
The freedom

I’m quite satisfied with my current life. Being alone at home allows me the freedom to make the most of my time: studying, taking a bath, cooking something whenever I like. You know, living with someone seems to require  constant attention and can be overwhelming at times. It feels like even in the most comfortable place, we can't get rid of stress getting from the outside world. Society, especially in Japan, emphasizes the need to constantly consider others' feelings. It's such a 'めんどくさい' thing. A British moved to Japan a few months ago said to me, 'There are many cultural shocks. Japanese people aren't always transparent or honest.', and I responded, 'That's so true, we have a way with 建前.' I think it takes a long time for people from different countries to adapt to this culture. At the same time, I think when leaving from Japan, I will be so overwhelmed.

It's the last working day in a week. Enjoy your Friday night!
I'll enjoy library night after work to study :)


