









【Book Introduction】
"The Unwomanly Face of War" by Svetlana Alexandrovna Alexievich translated by Midori Miura.

This book reveals the truth of war through interviews with over 500 women who fought as soldiers in World War II.

The author, born in Ukraine and raised in Belarus, is a Nobel laureate in literature.

This book marks the beginning of her career as a writer.

Although the research began in 1978, it was incredibly challenging for the author, a magazine journalist in her thirties at the time, to publish the records of women in the military, as war narratives were typically dominated by men.

After completion, it took two years before it could be published.

《Personal Impression》
It's heartbreaking to realize the atrocities that actually occurred in the past. The terrible truths of war make all the difficulties in my daily life seem insignificant.

Perhaps, as they recount war experiences from decades ago, there might be some lies or exaggerations.

However, even if that's the case, hearing phrases like "I lost both legs" or "Died" spoken so casually by so many people illustrates the cruelty of war.

Women had to fight just like men, enduring unique challenges such as fighting while menstruating and wearing oversized military uniforms and shoes meant for men.

I felt there are overlaps with the need for working women in contemporary society to masculinize.

#戦争は女の顔をしていない #スヴェトラーナアレクシエーヴィチ #三浦みどり #岩波現代文庫 #本の紹介 #読書記録 #戦争
