










The master also runs.

The Christmas cold wave is sweeping the country, but how are you all doing? I still have a chill that keeps me from getting my work done.

Well, there are only a few days left in the year. But I still have classes to attend, so I don't feel comfortable. I had a year-end deadline draft, so I stayed home all day yesterday, facing my computer. This year has been so busy that I look back and have little memory. If I don't have a memory, I feel empty and can't help feeling sad. To dispel such feelings, I decided to rethink what I should do to become a university teacher.

Unfortunately, I feel that the opportunities to become a university teacher are gradually decreasing. I still register with JREC-IN and check the recruitment information every day, but I feel that the total number of applications is decreasing. And most of the hiring information is for fixed-term jobs, isn't it? My sense is that 60% to 70% of jobs are fixed-term. Some universities offer the condition that "At the end of a fixed term of employment, employees will be screened to switch to permanent employment," but I seriously doubt that they will actually change it to permanent employment.

It may be winter time to become a university teacher. I am a regular employee, but I can't get rid of my anxiety about whether I can continue to be employed. These days, it seems that the executive class is discussing the future of the university every day. I don't have any information coming in from the underlings like me, but at least the direction of streamlining the organization seems to be set.

I've been asking myself more and more whether it's really a good idea to invite everyone to a job as a university teacher in such a precarious way. It's true that teaching at a university is a great job. I really enjoy being able to do what I love while helping society and learning and playing with young people. It is a consistent statement in my mind that I am writing this note because I want many people to experience that joy.

But when you think about maintaining a living, you can't paint a bright future with part-time instructors or fixed-term jobs. Part-time instructors, in particular, always get the same salary. The other day, I tried to say "Prices and labor costs have risen recently, so why not raise the honorarium for part-time instructors?" at a conference, but another teacher gave me the look of "What are you talking about?" like a pigeon with a pea gun, and all the participants rejected it.

To be honest, I am at a loss as to how I can become a university teacher. Unfortunately, like Japanese society, there seems to be no other way but to aim for replenishment through attrition. It seems that future university teachers have no choice but to continue to prepare to take advantage of the few opportunities that are coming. Let's do our best together, believing that spring will surely come.

(I'm an associate professor who reserved Final Fantasy XVI. It's a long time until the June release date.)

