
「弱さを持った大人が近くにいることの大切さ」ラリユルリダイアリー vol.36






I saw the movie "Have a song on your lips" at the Nara International Film Festival. It was held at Nara Municipal Tsubai Elementary School. Watching such a youthful movie at school made me feel so deep emotion.

After watching this movie, I felt that it is important for children to have adults who have their weaknesses. The image of an adult from children is a strong and great person who has no weaknesses. Adults don't show weakness because they think adults have to protect children.

However, adult is just a person, so they also have weaknesses. I think it has a positive effect on children when adults show their weaknesses. Little by little, we become human beings who show no weakness. We control our emotions to the point that we think there are rules. Seeing an adult who is letting go of that self-control makes children think that it's okay to live like this, that it's okay not to cling to social trends, and that it's normal to have weaknesses. Isn't it?

This movie gives us that hope.

