History of creation














In April 2004 which I entered the university, I made my first bag in leather.

I needed the bag to pack my minimum necessities to go out.

As I have been hating to put wallet on back pocket of trousers. Because, othewise wallet is compressed like vacuum‐packed space food and trousers can't keep their silhouette. (I think those are ugly and far away from how they should be used.) But I couldn't find the good one what I was looking for in both size and design even after search in many places over a few week.

So I decided to make it by myself.

First of all, I decided to use leathers because I wanted to use my handmade bag as long as possible and leathers are perfect material for 2 reasons. One is the durability that I can use it over the years and another is that leathers grow unique and better, not get older like other materials.

Then, I needed to design the bag realizing the style which matches many outfits in all seasons, maximizing the beauty and the durability which leathers have at the same time.

At that time, I crafted a flat bag which named as "PETAL" later. The first one was made of very beautiful nubuck leather and natural tanned leather straps. I had used this first bag about 10 years, almost everyday. (This was originally beautiful royal blue...)


And now I have use the second one for 6 years. We can see the difference between the original and after 6 years use.


The bag became the deeper color and softer with daily use. And this is my dailylife partner and will fits my lifestyle more day by day even from now on as I imagined in Spring 2004.

I am really glad if I could support you to find your own partner and be satisfied with being with the one.
