
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   9月1日 September 1

ピリピ 2:3【口語訳】
doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself; 
Philippians 2:3【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。ピリピ 2:3 Philippians 2:3
The believer serves with a humble heart and without discrimination based on
the circumstances of others.



   ● 謙遜の重要性: 私たちは、自分よりも他人を優先し、謙遜な態度を持つべきです。
   ● 党派心や虚栄心を避ける: 自分の意見や立場を固執したり、他人を自分より下に見て見下したりするようなことは避けなければなりません。
   ● 奉仕の精神: 互いを助け合い、奉仕する心を持つことが大切です。
   ● 一致の大切さ: 謙遜な心を持つことで、教会の一致が築かれます。


   ● 教会での奉仕: 教会での奉仕を通して、他の信徒たちを助け、奉仕の機会を探しましょう。
   ● 対人関係: 他の信徒との関係において、寛容な心で接し、意見の相違があっても、愛をもって話し合いましょう。
   ● 霊的な成長: 聖書を学び、祈り、賛美を通して、謙遜な心を養いましょう。
   ● 世の中への証し: 分裂や対立が多い世の中で、キリストの愛を証ししましょう。

This scripture teaches us about one of the most important attitudes a Christian should have: humility. Having a humble heart is the first step in uniting us and showing the love of Christ to the world.
It gives us a very important lesson about the attitude Christians should have in dealing with one another.
Lessons to be gleaned from this passage of Scripture.
 ● Importance of humility: We should have an attitude of humility, putting others before ourselves.
 ● We should avoid partisanship and vanity: We should avoid holding fast to our own opinions and positions, and we should avoid looking down on others as if they are beneath us.
 ● A spirit of service: It is important to help one another and to be of service.
 ● The importance of unity: A humble heart builds unity in the church.
Application to the Life of Faith
·● Service in the Church: Help other members of the congregation through service in the church and look for opportunities to serve.
·● Interpersonal Relationships: In your relationships with other members of the congregation, be tolerant and discuss disagreements in love.
·● Spiritual Growth: Cultivate humility through Bible study, prayer, and worship.
·● Witness to the world: In a world of division and conflict, witness to the love of Christ.
I pray that as a Christian, I will have a humble heart and live as a witness of Christ's love to the world.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
