
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   7月22日 July 22

アモス書 5:4【口語訳】
For Yahweh says to the house of Israel: “Seek me, and you will live;  Amos 5:4【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。アモス書 5:4 Amos 5:4
Believers believe that God will show the right path to those who seek Him.

1. 神様こそが、私たちに真の命を与える源である
2. 神様を求めることは、生きることと同じ意味を持つ
3. 神様を求める者は、真の祝福を受ける

This scripture reflects the situation of the Israelites of that time, who were more preoccupied with idolatry than with God. They were trying to rely on idols, forgetting that God is the true source of life.
This verse is a message that applies to each of us. In the busyness of our daily lives, we tend to neglect our time with God. However, we must always keep in mind that God is the one who gives us true life, and we must try to live our lives seeking God.
He speaks powerfully about the importance of seeking God and the blessings that result. Seeking God is not a special place or ritual. We can seek God through prayer, reading the Bible, participating in worship, and many other ways. The important thing is to face God with a sincere heart.
1. God is the source that gives us true life.
The words, "Seek Me and live. reveals that God is the source that gives us true life.
We cannot attain true peace and joy by our own strength and effort alone. True life is given in communion with God. By seeking God and deepening our relationship with Him, we can live true life.
2. Seeking God means the same thing as living.
The words, "Seek ye me, and live. implies that seeking God means the same thing as living.
To live without seeking God is to be dead. Cut off from fellowship with God, we are spiritually hungry and thirsty and cannot find true fulfillment. 3.
3. those who seek God will receive true blessings
Those who seek God are promised to receive true blessings. God provides us with everything we need, guides us, and protects us. Also, through fellowship with God, we can experience deep peace, joy, love, hope, wisdom, and power.
I pray for a deeper relationship with God and for His grace and blessings in my daily life.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
