
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   9月8日 September 8

へブル 6:10【口語訳】
For God is not unrighteous, so as to forget your work and the labor of love which you showed toward his name, in that you served the saints, and still do serve them.
Hebrews 6:10【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。へブル 6:10 Hebrews 6:10
The believer tastes the grace of God's righteousness and love and experiences the joy of walking with God.



· 神様の公正さ: 神様は不義な方ではなく、私たち一人ひとりの行いを公平に見守っておられます。
· 神様の記憶: 神様は、私たちが神様や他の人々のために行った良い行いを決して忘れません。
· 報いの約束: 私たちが神様のために尽くしたものは、無駄になることはありません。神様は、時に形を変えて、私たちに報いてくださいます。
· 信仰の励まし: この世で報われないように思えることでも、神様はすべて見ておられ、将来必ず報いてくださるとの約束は、私たちの信仰を支える力となります。


· 小さな奉仕の大切さ: 大きいことだけでなく、小さな奉仕や愛の行動も、神様にとっては価値のあるものです。
· 継続的な奉仕: 一度きりの奉仕ではなく、継続的に神様や人に仕えることが大切です。
· 感謝の心: 神様が私たちの働きを覚えていてくださることに感謝し、さらに神様のために尽くす意欲を持ちましょう。
· 困難な時にも: 困難な時でも、神様が私たちを忘れないという確信を持ち、信仰を貫きましょう。

This verse assures us that God will never forget our actions of service to Him. It tells us that even our smallest acts of service and love are well reflected and remembered in God's eyes. It means a great deal to God. Let us believe in God's promises and continue to act for God and people.
Lessons from this scripture
God's Fairness: God is not unjust, but watches over each of us impartially to see what we do.
God's memory: God never forgets the good deeds we have done for Him and for others.
The Promise of Rewards: What we do for God will not be in vain. God rewards us, sometimes in different ways.
Encouragement of Faith: The promise that God sees everything and will reward us in the future, even when things seem unrewarding in this world, is the strength that sustains our faith.
Application to the Life of Faith
   ●The Importance of Small Acts of Service: Not only big things, but also small acts of service and love are of value to God.
   ●Continuing Service: It is important to serve God and others on an ongoing basis, not just one-time service.
   ●GRATITUDE: Be thankful that God remembers our work and be willing to serve Him even more.
   ●even in difficult times: let us keep the faith, having confidence that God will not forget us, even in difficult times.
I pray that I will continue to act for God and others with faith in His promises, aware that my small service means a lot to God, even if people don't recognize it.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
