




6月12日 育児英語フレーズ

My wife and I take turns to care for our kids and make time for each other as much as possible. Of course, we have a fan to go on a day trip, lunch, dinner together. However, we think that taking a break and spending time by oneself apart from kid is important for physical and mental health.


☆make time for=~のために時間をつくる

☆as much as possible=できる限り、なるべく

6月11日 日常英語フレーズ

Tweeting daily English clips is a very useful way to output for me. Because studying English by myself without output is hard to keep my motivation up. Even if this is a small step to take, however it is a great leap to make for my future prospects.


6月11日(6月10日分) 日常英語フレーズ

I forgot to tweet about daily English clip, because I concentrated on doing other things whose deadline was yesterday. Therefore this tweet is updated today and one more English clip will be tweeted this evening again.

昨日が締め切りだった別の作業に集中していたため、毎日の英語クリップについてツイートするのを忘れていました。そのため、このツイートは今日更新され、もう1つのEnglish Clipは今日の夜に再びツイートされます。

6月9日 日常英語フレーズ

Though it was the kind of hot weather that makes me sweat and stifle due to a face mask, I felt replenished energy while walking in the sunshine because of the fine sky and lovely early summer day.


6月8日 知的財産英語フレーズ

Please be careful to not disclose your valuable idea and design in public by sales and commercial before the procedure, if you don't want to disappoint the chance with getting IP right like patent, utility and design.


6月7日 知的財産英語フレーズ

If you are interested in and consider conducting an action plan for IP (Intellectual Property), I will recommend that you attend some kinds of IP seminars which provide you with IP trends and valuable IP strategy.

IP(Intellectual Property)に関するアクションプランに興味があり、検討しているのであれば、IPのトレンドや価値あるIP戦略を提供するIPセミナーに参加することをお勧めします。
