

I decided to write an essay about why Okinawa needs a startup while looking at modern history and macroeconomics. I started writing this essay because I was impressed by Coral Capital partner Ken Nishimura's "Startup is the key ( https://coralcap.co/2023/11/japan4-0/ )". But of course, my experience, books and contributions introduced in this article are theoretical and spiritual underpinnings of my perspectives. Although I have been posting notes with different topics every month, I decided to weave together my thoughts about the okinawan economy from month to month that I feel every day. As one of the Uchinanchu (meaning "Okinawan people" in the local language) and one of the entrepreneurs, I will be happy if I can convey my thoughts to all of you.

Chapter 1:The Mirage Covering Okinawa
Around the fall of 2022, I received an order from upper management at the financial institution where I worked at the time to compile the number of loan consultations and loan repayment consultations from tourism businesses. At financial institutions, usually, all consultations regarding borrowing and repayment of business funds are registered as an industry, so I thought it would not be difficult. However, I found a shocking fact. Surprisingly, there is no industry called "tourism" in Japan. Although it has been positioned as Okinawa's leading industry for many years and even The University of the Ryukyus (only national university in Okinawa) had have the faculty Called Faculty of Tourism Industry and Science, "Tourism Industry" is not defined in the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, which has 1,460 kinds of businesses by the government. This fact was hard for me to believe at the time. Because, Okinawa's political and business leaders possess the habit of loudly calling for "support for the tourism industry" during normal times. How is this possible?
Indeed, they are not at the level of local councilors or executives of mid-sized companies. It has been a long time since senior figures such as prefectural governors and representatives of major companies have been saying that "tourism is Okinawa's leading industry". It is no exaggeration to say that the economic policies of this island have been designed and implemented for tourism industry in their first. As a result of that shock, my suspicions gradually grew stronger that Okinawa where I was born and raised would be an abnormal island spending a large amount of public funds and human capital for a long time after the war to maintain and develop the ill-defined and elusive "the mirage of tourism".

Chapter 2:A Whistle from an Outsider
A little while later, it's March 2023. Okigin Monthly Report, which is published every month by the Bank of Okinawa, was circulated to my desk. A certain contribution caught my eye, and I read it even though I was so busy.
The author is Dr. Peter Gruss, the Honorary Professor of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST, https://www.oist.jp/ ), where I often visit.
The title was "We are ready! ~We are ready to compete in the international competitive place~".
The article is here ↓ (only Japanese) 
https://www.okigin-ei.co.jp/file/geppou/2023/2023.03.582.pdf .
In the second half of his contribution, Dr.Gruss summarized the reasons why startups are needed in Okinawa. For Uchinanchu, including myself, that was a bit painful to listen. I quote it below.
Dr. Peter Gruss:
"Currently, the sectors that are driving Okinawa's economy are tourism, construction and retail. However, these industries are difficult to increase the income of people in Okinawa."
※ I translated from Japanese article to English.
I think that his point of view is exactly true for us. Furthermore, Dr. Gruss is able to mention above while keeping his distance from the politics and economics of Okinawa. I also feel that if such point come from the aforementioned political and business leaders, it would be controversial in Okinawa. Considering Dr.Gruss's track record and title, it would be quite a hurdle to get published in the Ryukyu Shimpo or the Okinawa Times (The main newspaper companies in Okinawa).
At that time, I had learned that tourism does not exist as an official industry in Japan, so contributions from Dr.Gruss who could offer objective and honest opinions sounded like a WARNING to this beautiful island nation from an outsider.
In this opportunity, I would like to share his thoughts about Okinawa and startups.
Dr. Peter Gruss:
"Although 50 years have passed since Okinawa's return to mainland Japan, the economic disparity between mainland Japan and Okinawa remains large. In order to reduce this disparity, creating a high-tech industry will increase the income of Okinawa as a whole. We have no choice but to raise the economy. However, will large companies come to Okinawa and establish high-tech industries? I think it will be difficult. Therefore, I believe that we must establish startup companies in Okinawa.''
“Currently, most of the new jobs around the world are created by new companies less than five years old, that is, startups. In other words, in order to create new jobs in Okinawa, it is necessary to launch a new company”.
※ I translated from Japanese article to English.
I see. Dr.Gruss's opinions are showing us why OIST has an unique program, OIST Innovation ( https://groups.oist.jp/ja/innovation ), which providing funding, housing and networks to high-tech startups around the world.
Although I often heard the criticism about OIST (like "despite the large amount of tax money invested in Onna Village's vast land for OIST, even a little portion of benefits has never brought to Okinawa"), it would be premature to make such a judgment.

Chapter 3:The Correlation that Does Not Exist in Okinawa
In this chapter, I will consider "Okinawa and Startups" from a different perspective than Dr. Gruss.
Apple, Microsoft,Alphabet (Google, YouTube),  Amazon, NVIDIA and Meta (Facebook, Instagram) are all American big tech companies with the market valuation from tens of trillions JPY to 350 trillion JPY. This is what America is all about. Japan, on the other hand, has inferior the valuation, but companies with strengths in manufacturing-related businesses, such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Sony, Keyence, Tokyo Electron, and Shin-Etsu Chemical, are in the top 10 valuation rankings with 10 trillion JPY to 45 trillion JPY. They are connected. It can be seen that there is a certain correlation between the industry and valuation ranking of a district, such as the information technology in the U.S. and the manufacturing in Japan.
You may say it is obvious, but in Okinawa, there is no correlation. At the end of Thursday, November 30th, the listed companies from Okinawa are following (excluding Tokyo Pro Market, which is only open to specified investors).
(1) Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company / 165.1 Billion JPY
(2) SAN-A CO., Ltd. / 147.1 Billion JPY
(3) Okinawa Financial Group, Inc. / 55.2 Billion JPY
      (the holding company of Bank of Okinawa)
(4) The Okinawa Electric Power Company, Inc. / 61.7 Billion JPY
(5) Bank of The Ryukyus, Ltd. / 48.2 Billion JPY
They are (1) telecommunications, (2) retail, (3) finance, (4) electricity and (5) finance, neither the construction industry, hotel industry nor food-restaurant industry which are closely related to Okinawa's tourism industry.
Neither Orion Breweries, Ltd., which became a private company by M&A (I will discuss in detail next part) nor THE OKINAWA KAIHO BANK, LTD. which used to be listed companies, possess tourism-related businesses as their main business.
So, what does this mean ?
My conclusion is very simple.
"Tourism is not Okinawa's leading industry".
The definition of a "leading industry" may vary from person to person, but I don't think there is anything that could be called a leading industry in Okinawa yet. Personally, I feel uncomfortable calling an industry that is labor-intensive and unprofitable, and low wages a "leading industry". Of course, there is no question that tourism income is an asset for Okinawa, but 80 years since the war and 50 years since Okinawa returned to Japan, isn't it time to rise the wages of workers engaged in "leading industries" ?
When I was a financial person, more than once I was at a loss for words about the salaries of those who worked in tourism-related businesses (particularly major hotels and famous tourist site) among the educational loan consultants and customers I always asked to repay loans. Have you ever heard the problem with the low-wages of employees in Apple or Toyota ?
I once felt an indescribable frustration at tourism-related companies that don't even pay enough wages which enable their employees' children to go to college, yet still only offer jobs for people with a college degree or above. Am I the only one who thinks that in such a situation, we can't and shouldn't regard tourism as Okinawa's leading industry ?
What kind of person will be able to overturn this long-standing normality ?
A politician who always win at elections ?
A public servant who can spend the budget every year ?
An office worker who work well both on a desk and at a bar ?
Neither of whom at all. The person really required for the future is an entrepreneur who can solve social issues by solving customer issues, and then bring a huge positive impact our society.

To Be Continued.

November 30th, 2023
Yourtory Inc.
CEO Hiroyuki Uehara

OKINAWAN ENTREPRENEUR 〜僕がスタートアップをする理由〜 上

沖縄にスタートアップが必要である理由を近現代史やマクロ経済も俯瞰しながらエッセーとして綴ることにした。Coral Capital ・パートナーである西村賢氏の「スタートアップが鍵( https://coralcap.co/2023/11/japan4-0/ )」 に感銘を受けたことが執筆のきっかけだが、原体験はもちろん、その理論的及び精神的支柱は本稿でも紹介する書籍や寄稿に依拠している。
毎月取り上げる内容を変えて投稿してきた note だが、本稿は月を跨いで私が日々感じている沖縄経済への想いを紡いでいくことにした。1人のウチナーンチュとして、1人のアントレプレナーとして、その想いが読者に伝われば幸いである。


著者は、私もしばしばお邪魔する沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST, https://www.oist.jp/ )の名誉学長であるピーター・グルース博士である。
「We are ready ! 〜もう国際的な競争の場で戦う準備ができている〜」というタイトルで、その後半に沖縄にスタートアップが必要である理由がまとめられていた。
なるほど。OISTが世界中のスタートアップに資金や住居、そのネットワークを提供するプログラム「OIST Innovation( https://groups.oist.jp/ja/innovation )」を展開している意味が伝わってくる。恩納村の広大な土地に多額の税金を投下しているにもかかわらず、沖縄県民にその恩恵がほとんどもたらされていないという批判をしばしば聞くが、そう判断するのは早計と言えよう。

Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google, YouTube), Amazon, Meta(Facebook, Instagram), NVIDIA はいずれも数十兆〜300兆円の時価総額を有する米国のビックテックである。さすがはアメリカだ。対する日本は企業価値こそ劣るものの、トヨタ自動車、ソニー、キーエンス、東京エレクトロン、信越化学工業など、製造関連事業に強みを持つ企業が時価総額ランキングのトップ10に10兆円〜45兆円で名を連ねている。アメリカは情報通信業、日本は製造業と、その土地の「産業」と時価総額ランキングには相応の相関関係があることが分かる。
(1)沖縄セルラー電話(株)/ 1,651億円
(2)(株)サンエー / 1,471億円
(3)(株)おきなわフィナンシャルグループ(沖銀の持株会社) / 552億円(4)沖縄電力(株) / 617億円
(5)(株)琉球銀行 / 482億円
もちろん観光収入が沖縄の大きな資産であることに疑問の余地は無いが、戦後80年、復帰後50年、そろそろ「リーディング産業」に従事する労働者の賃金が上がってもいい頃ではないだろうか。僕が金融マンの時、教育資金の融資相談者や督促先のお客様のうち観光関連事業(特に大手ホテルや主要観光地)に従事する方の給与に絶句したのは一度や二度ではない。Apple やトヨタ社員の「低賃金」が問題になったことなんてあったろうか?従業員の子どもが大学に進学できるくらいの給料すら支払わず、それでいて大卒以上の求人を出している観光関連企業には言いようのないやるせなさを感じたものだ。こんな状態で「沖縄のリーディング産業は観光」なんて言えないし、言うべきではないと思うのは僕だけだろうか?
選挙に強い政治家か?毎年度予算を消化できる公務員か?居酒屋で活躍するサラリーマンか? 全くもって、いずれでもない。


上原 宇行
