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「幸せな子」を育てるのではなく、どんな境遇に置かれても 「幸せになれる子」を育てたい。(出典:『歩み 皇后陛下お言葉集』海竜社)

私たち親は、わが子の幸せを願って「あれしなさい、これしなさい」「こっちの方がいいわよ」と一生懸命声かけをします。でも、それがほんとうに子どものためになっているのかと言えば、必ずしもそうではありません。将来、子どもがどんな環境で、どういう人生を歩んでいるかなんて、誰にもわかりません。子育てで必要なことは、「お母さんやお父さんはこう思うけど、 あなたはどう思うの?」と、問いかけることです。学校や大人の役割は、子どもたちが得意なことを見つけ、自ら学んでいくための「自律」のお手伝いをすることだと考えています。





校長 安居長敏

At the start of 2024,

Dear parents, how has your new year been so far? Here’s wishing you the gift of peace and prosperity throughout 2024.

The Noto Peninsula earthquake on the first day and the airplane accident at Haneda Airport on the second day are significant events that have caused deep concern at the beginning of the year. I'm sure many of you are feeling unsettled. My heartfelt condolences go out to those affected and their families. I hope for a minimal impact in the future. Even now, many people are working tirelessly in responding to the disaster and contributing to recovery and reconstruction. We want to support them and do what we can.

Indeed, while praying for peace every day, it feels like we've been reminded that having a safe tomorrow is not something we can take for granted. Even if you weren't directly affected, some of you may be struggling mentally just by hearing the news. In such times, please don't hesitate to express your feelings or reach out to someone. Schools also play a role in providing support. Please feel free to reach out.

Now, I am celebrating the New Year in Tokyo for the fifth time. The everyday life of seeing the faces of children and grandchildren coming and going makes me appreciate the importance of being healthy and calm. Last year, after leaving my parents' house in Shiga and letting go of the past, I felt liberated. Inspired by Dr. Shizuka Shirakawa's words, "Play is absolute freedom and a world of rich creativity," I pledged to maximize "being oneself" and "enjoying life," and I shared this with all of you.

To challenge the prevailing conservative values and reliance on test scores in the education field, the school has been working towards making it a place where "learning is enjoyable" and recognized as essential for "character development" in society. We aim to take actions backed by an unwavering "absolute" axis. However, looking back, I believe there was still a lack of strength in embodying that last year. In marathon terms, it's like hitting the wall at 35 kilometers. This year, I aim to rejuvenate myself and "enjoyably run through" the remaining 7.195 kilometers.

Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School, in the process of implementing new learning, is facing challenges where students and teachers are constantly hitting walls. By flexibly adjusting their positions, they strive to maintain overall balance and improve performance. Everyone is truly making an effort. As someone entrusted with the school, I feel the responsibility to support such everyday life and create the school together with parents.

As parents, we fervently give advice like "do this, do that" for the happiness of our children. However, whether it is genuinely beneficial for the child is not always certain. No one knows what environment and life our children will have in the future. The essential thing in parenting is to ask, "What do you think?" and involve children in decision-making. The role of schools and adults is to help children find what they are good at and support them in learning on their own.

As always, the three criteria I constantly consider are:

  • Is it "necessary" or "optimal" for students' learning?

  • Can it contribute to the "future" society?

  • Is the way we work and manage the school "sustainable"?

In this year of completion for Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School, I want to firmly fulfill my role of "creating new value through school education, solving issues by sharing it, and building a world where everyone can live happily." I express gratitude for the many connections we have made so far and will continue to introspect, striving to be a star for someone and a healing flower. I look forward to continuing the dialogue with everyone and appreciate your continued support and encouragement.

In conclusion, I sincerely pray for the health and happiness of all your families.

Nagatoshi Yasui, Principal

