
上访路(不让看病)/ Road of Petition (Obstruction of medical treatment)/ 陳情の道(通院妨害)




      我母亲许冬青,2013年被黑社会暴力逼迁惊吓住院后,被诊断为心脏病,有猝死风险。我妹妹杨丽在2006 年被诊断为疑难肾病。因多方治疗未见成效,她们需要到权威的北京大学第一医院接受治疗。


       2023年2月13日,杨丽和许冬青在等待北京大学第一医院肾内科专家门诊期间,前往国家信访局提交信访材料控告自然资源部不履行查处职责,内容涉及金坛区政府违法征地、公安违法办案等问题。        两天后,她们还没来得及看病就被江苏派出的十多人绑架回江苏,就医计划遭阻。3月4日,家周围被安装了用来监视的集装箱和摄像头。(背景)        







       12日,当局又告知能去北京了。在十多人的的跟踪监视下 1  ,两人开完庭后到北京大学第一医院办理住院手续,手续还没办好,就又被绑架,实施绑架的黑保安对两人说:你们当地政府太坏了。




       2023年9月6日,两人在北京大学第一医院住院治疗,许冬青被诊断为需要手术。因基本权利得不到保障,杨丽于同月13日和14日前往中南海向习近平求助 1,但相关部门并没有传达民意,他们只是把杨丽送到了救济中心便再无过问。杨丽在那获得的救济是一个馒头、一包榨菜和一根香肠。
       同月27日,在医院等待手术的许冬青被伪装成医务人员的黑保安捆绑在担架上17个小时后送回江苏。在这 17 个小时里,他们没有松开束缚,没有提供食物,也不准许上厕所。到达江苏后、他们把许冬青连人带物扔到了路边。







Road of Petition (Obstruction of medical treatment)

     Shocked and Sick, Suffering from Kidney Failure

      My mother, Xu Dongqing, was hospitalized for treatment after being frightened by violent incidents involving the criminal underworld in 2013. She was diagnosed with a heart condition at risk of sudden death. My sister, Yang Li, was diagnosed with kidney disease in 2006. Due to the ineffectiveness of various treatments, both have decided to seek treatment at the esteemed Peking University First Hospital in Beijing.

     Deprived of Medical Treatment Rights Due to Petitioning

     On February 13, 2023, while awaiting an appointment at the Nephrology Department of Peking University First Hospital, Yang Li and Xu Dongqing submitted petition materials to the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration, reporting the Ministry of Natural Resources' inaction. The report involves illegal land acquisition by the Jintan District Government and unlawful law enforcement by the public security.
      Two days later, they were abducted back to Jiangsu by plainclothes police and government officials dispatched by the Jiangsu authorities, disrupting their medical plans.On March 4th, containers and cameras were installed around the neighborhood for surveillance purposes. (background)

     Police Collude with Gangs to Commit Violence

      On April 5, 2023, after successfully completing online registration, Yang Li and Xu Dongqing headed to Peking University First Hospital. However, they faced violent abduction and assault at Beijing South Station. The assailants forcibly grabbed Yang Li, slapped her, and used tape to cover her mouth, preventing her from calling for help. The two were confined in a vehicle for an extended 16-hour period.
       During this time, plainclothes policewoman Wang Linyu claimed that the police were the government's tools. She instructed the assailants not to provide food or medication to the victims and prohibited them from using the restroom. After 16 hours of confinement in the vehicle, the authorities further detained both individuals at the police station for nearly 24 hours.
        On April 23, 2023, when Yang Li went to Beijing to report the kidnapping case, she was intercepted at Tianjin Station by Chen Bin, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu dispatched police station, and his team. They demanded Yang Li to unlock her phone, and upon her refusal, she was subjected to physical assault.

     Media Attention

     At this point, media outlets have started reporting on the ordeal faced by my family members. I have also begun to seek assistance by heading to the Chinese Consulate in Nagoya.

     Reneging on Promises, Denied Medical Treatment

      In early June 2023, Jiangsu authorities stated that both individuals could go to Beijing. On June 11th, as Yang Li and Xu Dongqing were preparing to travel to Beijing for medical treatment and attend a court hearing, they were abducted to the police station upon arriving at Jintan Station. This time, they were detained for over ten hours.
      On the 12th, the authorities informed them that they could go to Beijing. Under the surveillance of over ten individuals 1 , they completed the court proceedings and proceeded to Peking University First Hospital for admission procedures. However, before completing the hospitalization formalities, they were kidnapped again. The abductors expressed their sentiments, stating, "Your local government is too corrupt."   

     Communication Monitored, Forbidden to Seek Medical Care Outside

     Due to the Jiangsu authorities obtaining the travel information of Yang Li and Xu Dongqing through improper means for their abduction, on July 24, 2023, the two attempted to take a taxi to Beijing for medical treatment. As their communication was through WeChat, the authorities intercepted the information and deployed numerous plainclothes officers and vehicles to block them at their doorstep. They were then unjustly detained for 24 hours at the police station under unfounded charges.

     Kidnapped from Hospital Bed by Fake Medical Staff

     On September 6, 2023, Xu Dongqing and Yang Li began their hospitalization for treatment at Peking University First Hospital. Xu Dongqing was diagnosed with a condition requiring surgical intervention. Due to a lack of protection for their basic rights, on September 13th and 14th, Yang Li went to Zhongnanhai seeking assistance from Xi Jinping. However, the relevant authorities did not convey the plea, merely escorting Yang Li to a relief center without further involvement. The relief received there was an empty bun, a bag of pressed vegetables, and a sausage.
      On September 16, shortly after receiving expert medical care and before obtaining prescribed medications, Yang Li was once again abducted to Jiangsu by plainclothes individuals and detained for 10 days. This time, Jintan District Committee Secretary Lu Qiuming and Deputy District Mayor Yao Xiangming explicitly stated that the kidnapping was carried out under the directive of Jiangsu Provincial Secretary-General Tian Hong and Changzhou City Committee Secretary Chen Jinhu.
       On September 27, while Xu Dongqing was awaiting surgery at the hospital, she was kidnapped back to Jiangsu by thugs disguised as medical personnel. Bound to a stretcher for 17 hours, she was deprived of food and medication, and restroom access. Upon reaching Jiangsu, she was discarded by the roadside.
       On September 28th, authorities once again installed cameras and containers for surveillance around the homes.

     Reporting Required for Medical Treatment!?

      On October 17, 2023, when Yang Li went to Peking University First Hospital, she was intercepted by plainclothes officers at Beijing South Station. This time, they finally presented their work credentials. They claimed that Yang Li needed their permission to seek medical treatment outside and asserted that she was detained in Jiangsu for 24 hours on charges of provocation and troublemaking.

     Beaten Unconscious, Injured, Tortured, ID Confiscated = Police Brutality

      On March 7, 2024, masked police officers dispatched by the Jiangsu authorities knocked my sister Yang Li unconscious. On the evening of March 10, plainclothes police officers injured my father Yang Guoliang. Meanwhile, the authorities also sent 40 to 50 people to monitor and follow my family for a month. (Click here for details.)
     My mother could not withstand the human rights abuses by the authorities and suffered a heart attack on April 7, leading to emergency hospitalization. After a successful resuscitation, the local hospital admitted it could not provide adequate treatment and agreed to transfer her to Peking University First Hospital.
     On April 17, my mother, Xu Dongqing, accompanied by my sister, Yang Li, traveled from Jintan District People's Hospital to Peking University First Hospital. Due to the malicious use of their travel information by authorities, the two were intercepted again by the Jiangsu Province Beijing Office at Beijing South Railway Station. After Yang Li called Beijing police for help, they managed to board a bus, but were still followed and monitored all the way. When they passed by the Fuyou Street Police Station, they called the Beijing police again, seeking protection of their right to freely seek medical treatment. However, the Fuyou Street Police Station forcibly detained their ID cards and sent them to Jiujingzhuang Relief Service Center.
     That evening, when they arrived at Jiujingzhuang Relief Service Center, Jiangsu police officers in the center's courtyard pinned them to the ground and beat them until they cried for help. Despite dozens of police officers and security guards present at Jiujingzhuang, no one came to their aid. After being violently beaten, the two were forcibly taken back to Jiangsu. At the Binhu Police Station, Yang Li was tortured and forced to confess by Instructor Hua Aoqing, and then detained for 10 days.
     Yang Li repeatedly called the Beijing police requesting the return of her ID card. The Beijing police claimed that the ID card had been handed over to Officer Ni Jie at the Jintan Binhu Police Station, while the Jintan police stated they had not seen Yang Li's ID card. To this day, Yang Li's ID card has not been returned.

     Media Invited to Follow and Report

      Next, my family members will need to undergo treatment at Peking University First Hospital. If any media outlets are willing to accompany and report on this process, or if there is interest in live streaming on the internet, please feel free to contact us at: yangcaiying77@gmail.com











     12日、また北京に行っていいと告げられましたが、十何人の監視の手が付いていました 1 。法廷審理を終え、北京大学第一医院で入院手続きをしている間に、また拉致されてしまいました。拉致を実行した人物の口から出た言葉は「あなた達の地元政府は悪すぎる」でした。   










     これからも、妹と母は治療を受けるため、北京大学第一医院に行くことが必要です。この過程に同行して取材するメディア、またはインターネットでのライブにご興味がある方は、ぜひyangcaiying77@gmail.com までご連絡ください。
