
(試作 パイロット版)(学園もの→まち歩きものに見えて、じゃないストーリー Bパート6-1)

元はといえば、ターミナルの地上でロータリーや王冠のマークのデパートに向かいに立って見回した。そしたらそっぽを向いてるこの入口を見つけて、地下階段、この間降りた所のすぐ隣を転がり落ちる石のように駆け下りた 、

Where is this?
I muttered in front of the front wall. There is an underground shopping area there, and people should come and go.
Originally speaking, I was standing on the ground of the terminal facing the department stores of the Rotary and Crown Marks. Then I found this entrance facing the other side and ran down like a stone rolling down the underground stairs next to where I got off during this time,
It was an action that didn't mean anything.
Look at the right. Another 90 degrees to the right, the lights are bright and beige floors continue. Almost the same scenery as the place where we got off during this time.
Well, I knew that it was part of the underground mall. And there is a terminal ahead. In this way, it will be the end of the walk just before the sun goes down, and the time to the evening's night will be earlier.
If it is said that it will be a waste of time to spend time without such a reason, and if it will be said, then it will be correct.
Well, I don't know why it makes sense.
But I know that there is something to which I walked. I am convinced that there should be at least something that is supposed to be weird.
It looks like I said something I do not understand well, sorry.
The point is, do you end up like this?
At the front-facing the right there was something like a map-like picture and a route map drawn with red, blue, green and other thin lines. Not bad, it would be necessary in the world.
But what I need now is not a map or route map that clearly shows where I'm going. It's like a light that dimly illuminates the direction you want to go and the direction you want to go. Stop reading the route map and look ahead.
Space continues, and I do not know both sides well, but it is brightly lit and illuminated. I could see that the road crosses about 50m ahead of that. I can not help it if I invite you there, I will proceed while thinking about what selfish things.
The wall on which the map route map was located has a shape similar to the ground but with white tiles.
Suddenly, I noticed some minor features of the wall. There are marks such as a square line that I reached my hands from the knee position and a width of about 10 meters wide. The inside and the outside of the line are the same as the color of the tile, but the inside is slightly recessed from the outside, and if you look closely you will see the difference.
Is there any trick? For example, if you try to push it a little, it's like a wreck, a wall snarling like a ninja mansion. Maybe it's more strange if you try to touch it, your hand is sucked into the wall. It is an entrance to a different world.
Reach out slowly and naturally. My hands are about to be sucked into a white marble-like wall that reflects

(Continued to B part 6-2)
