
(10minutes note 05)ルサンチマンやウェーイ感は他の人に任せます。 I leave both the people who have sense of Lusanchiman ,and the other ”party people”.







私はテレビのニュースは絶対に見ない | ケヴィン・ケリーが語る、いまこそ楽観主義が必要な理由 | get WIRED | Ep1 | WIRED.jp


余談:WIRED.JP のチャンネルどの映像も雰囲気があって、素晴らしいしもっと伸びてもいいと思う。カッティングエッジなメディアらしく、独特のとっつきづらさはあるけど、同メディアのテーマをものすごくくだけていうと昔も今も「テクノロジーってすごいよ、世の中良くなってるよ」なので。

Suddenly, I'm not good at drinking parties. Especially if there are more people.
I do not hate alcohol aside. I'm not strong, but I also like the taste and it's not bad that I have a little sense of openness. In fact, I was about to put a review of my favorite craft beer in one of the repertoire of the sentences I started writing (since I can not drink one bottle recently, I hold it).
On the other hand, speaking with people also uses power unconsciously, but "This person is interesting-" or "Recent young people excellent" or "Cara character change too much this person www" or it is noticed with it.

What's not good about it? It's about 1 hour since it started, "The air when everyone starts to drink alcohol and starts talking freely." Even at a year-end party, an exchange party, or launch, you can not enter the circle at that time, and it will be isolated. I can't keep up with the topic, but I'm trying to match it, but I get lost because I'm drunk. When I notice, I notice myself in the circle of people. I'm tired, I want to go out.

Everybody is laughing at a funny topic. I do not know what is fun. If you know where the point of laughter is to follow, you can usually guess it somehow I can not grasp that alcohol gets in. I thought tired, I want to go home.

When I look at the distance, I see an undressing old man. What's fun talking about dark till drunk? If you can't keep up with youth, you should laugh at the end with plenty of room. I am more tired. I want to go home.

If you're really not good at talking to people, you'll be refused and you'll be able to escape, but you'll seem to like drinking as the first 30 minutes of hard working so hard. It's tough, I'm not young enough to use it, I'm really tired, but I can't go back without having the strength of that intention.

The reason for this feeling is being understood a little recently.
If this development of the drinking party is roughly divided, "I wish it is fun now" is either "worldly funny or stupid", both of which are far from my senses.

There is something left in the impression that I saw recently.
"The world is getting better little by little, and it's thanks to technology.... TV news is useless to see. The news we see shows it is unusual Well, so the news is mostly negative, but steady progress has been boring but nothing has happened to the real news. "
I Never See TV News | Kevin Kelly Tells You Why You Need Optimism Now | get WIRED | Ep1 | WIRED.jp

Yes, a drinking party I don't like is exactly like the TV news. Don't stop being in the main of the world, please.
But I am not.
Even if it's flashy, it's not negative, and I hope it's a positive track even if nothing happens in a quiet way. As a result, they are not attracted to drinking parties themselves.
Of course, I like meeting old close friends and new people.
But if you want to share valuable time anyway, the number of people who can remember people's faces and the number of people who can talk in a single word are good.
If you want to complain, let's go with Sashi. I can not answer the question anyway. I am not alone here.

Aside: WIRED.JP's channels There is an atmosphere in every video, I think it's great and you can grow more. It looks like a cutting-edge media, but it has a unique attachment, but the theme of the media is huge, so long ago, even now, "technology is amazing, it's getting better in the world".
