
"Hyperbole and a Half"という海外の超人気ブログの絵が独特

今回は、海外の2020年人気ブログランキングの中でも一位の有力候補である"Hyperbole and a Half"を翻訳していきたいと思います。


For the first few years of my life, the only people I knew how to find lived in my house.


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We had a neighbor, Richard. But Richard was quiet and rarely outside for long, so I didn't know about him.
One afternoon, though, Richard went outside.



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That's how I found out about him.


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I did not interact with Richard. I just saw him. He probably didn't even know. He stood in his driveway for a minute or two and then went back into his house. But I saw him. I think that was the main thing.

リチャードとは話していません。 ただ見ただけ。 おそらく今も彼はそのことを知らないでしょう。 彼は1、2分くらい車道に立って、そして家に入ってい来ました。でも私は彼を見た。それが大切なことだったと思います。

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(以前:ただの家   その後:誰かがそこに住んでる!)

It was very exciting. A person lives next to us! 


 A person! He lives right there! And I SAW him! 

人だ! そこに住んでるんだ!私は見たよ!

 When will he go outside again? What else does he do? Does he know about dad? Who is his friend? Does he like whales? Is his house the same as ours? Which room does his grandma live in?

 いつになったら外に出てくるんだろう? 他に何をしてるの? パパのこと知ってるの?友達は誰? クジラは好き? 彼の家は私たちの家と同じ? おばあちゃんはどの部屋に住んでいるの?

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Desperate to catch another glimpse of him, I'd lurk near the windows all day just staring at his house.


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I think I expected it go somewhere. You can't find out there's a person living right next to you and then never get any answers. Maybe if you're 100 and you know everybody, but not if you're 3. Not when it's the first stranger you know how to find. I just wanted to know more. Anything.


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And this is as far as it would have been able to go if it wasn't for the dog door.


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My grandma usually supervised me while my parents were at work. She'd drink screwdrivers and do the crossword, I'd run around the house and do whatever. If she hadn't seen me in a while, she'd check to make sure I still had all my fingers, but escaping wasn't a big concern. The doors were locked. Just in case, there were jingle bells on the handles.

両親が仕事の間は 私を祖母が見ていてくれていた。 祖母はネジまわしを飲見込んだり、クロスワードをしていた。 私はというと。家の中を走り回ったり、何でもしたいことをしてたんだ。 私のことを少し見ていなかった時は、祖母は必ず私の指がちゃんと無事ついているか確認していましたが、家から脱出することに関しては彼女はそこまで気にしていませんでした。ドアには鍵がかかっている。さらに念のために、ドアの取っ手には ジングルベルがなるように付いていた。

The dog door was the single weak point in the fortress.



