










Unforgettable numbers.
Japanese PM extended the State of Emergency until the end of this month. I take this opportunity that can be a time to take stock of what I've made of myself up to now, and I face myself, so I wanna create my life fulfilling for the rest of my life.

I got my start in digital jobs at a TV station because a welfare program was looking for a staff member. Before that, I worked at a web advertising agency (something like that) for more than 10 years, but quit because I felt that the future directions were getting different from my life.

TV stations and welfare programs. Both were worlds that were out of touch with me then. When I talked to them and they said "Digital? It's a lot of work, too much hassle to do." Many people focused on making their program, so I thought the jobs that I took over their work or persuaded them.

When I started the job, I said hello to one of the directors and he told me happily "We've had 600 inquiries in two months about the concerns of children with developmental disabilities!" At the time, however, this number didn't ring a bell. Because in my previous job, I was selling 100,000 clicks for "9 million yen, 8.5 million yen..." and trading for hundreds of millions of impressions every day.

I just didn't like the idea of myself being so bewildered, so I told him honestly. "In the world of Web advertising, 100,000 clicks or 100 million views are the norm, so I don't know what to think about 600." Then he told me, "It's the difference that there're people's everyday worries in the 600 sentences, I think."

I was embarrassed by my thoughts for a moment. And I was truly glad to have come across these facts. After that, I've been imagined the background of the various numbers. Sometimes, I'm even crying of my own accord.
One part of it is in this article.

Can't help but think about the personality of the coronavirus.

The 100,000 clicks I was discount saled were clicked by what kind of people and under what circumstances? Even now, sometimes I vaguely think.

When I imagine about the huge numbers, it take so much energy as mentally, but I now believe that there're many story of each person's life always exists in this earth, and that no one can deny it.

This text was mostly translated by DeepL.
