
【英文】Learning English ~日本の英語教育と英語を学ぶメリット~


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Learning English 

The Olympics will be held in Tokyo in 2020. So, the number of tourists in Japan is increasing every year. Also, many companies accept foreign workers to make up for the labor shortage. In this way, we have many chances to meet people from various countries not only abroad but also in Japan. Furthermore, 72.5% of the company felt that employees needed English skills. (ten-nine communication, 2016) Therefore, Japanese young people should learn English. The student is the most effective time to learn a language, and to be prepared to face the globalization era. In this paper, I will explain Japanese young people should learn English because the current system of English education in Japan is not enough to compete on a global stage, learning English provides learners with knowledge and skills to communicate successfully with various foreign people and companies which use English as a common language are increasing in Japan.

To solve the problem of the current situation, English education in Japan needs to start at a young age. English skill is essential to communicate successfully with foreign people, and English is a global language and communication tool. Then companies which use English as a common language are increasing in Japan. Therefore, I think English should be introduced as a compulsory subject from elementary school, and Japanese young people should learn English more independently. There are three reasons why Japanese young people should study English. They are solutions to deal with globalization in Japan.

First, Japanese young people should learn English because many tourists come to Japan from all over the world. English skill is essential to communicate successfully with foreign people. However, almost all Japanese people cannot speak English. Also, there are not many people who can introduce Japanese culture. The current system of English education in Japan is not enough because Japan is among Asia's worst performers on the TOEFL. In 2002, the Ministry of Education introduced English classes in elementary school, not as a formal subject. In 2011, this had been turned into a foreign language activity class. This class focus is on having fun, such as singing English songs and playing English games. Administers the exam, “out of 30 Asian countries with an average TOEFL score, Japan ranked second from the bottom. (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2009) English education in Japan is not enough to compete on a global stage. Whereas, South Korea ranked 10th, and China ranked 17th thanks to English becoming a mandatory subject in elementary school. (Mizuho Aoki, 2016) Also, from the TOEIC score, it can be said that Japanese English is not at a high level internationally. Looking at the country average of TOEIC score in 2017, Japan ranks 39th with 517 points. The differences between Japan (517 points) and Germany (800 points), which ranks first in non-English speaking countries, is substantial. And, Japan is lower than in Korea (676 points) and China (600 points). (Nikkei, 2018) In many companies, the border between domestic and overseas business has disappeared due to the increase in visitors to Japan and the acquisition of overseas companies. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate many human resources who can speak English. Thus, English needs to become a mandatory subject in elementary school in Japan like in these countries. The student is the most useful term to learn a language and to be prepared to face the globalization era. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is increasing rapidly. In 2018, the number of foreign visitors to Japan exceeded 30 million. (JNTO, 2019) Ninety percent of them are happy with their trip to Japan, but some of the others are not satisfied with their trip because Japanese people do not understand their English. (Noriko Takai, 2014) It makes tourists annoy. Another reason why English education needs to start a young age is that it is the most effective time to learn a foreign language. The third grade at elementary school is at the height of the critical period. if the children start studying English by the critical period, they can acquire a correct pronunciation like native speakers. Before reaching the critical period is the most useful term to learn a language. Usually, it is difficult for Japanese people to listen and pronounce the difference between “L” and “R.” However, most people who start studying English from elementary school students can do it. It depends on the time when they start studying. The brain of children is like a sponge. So, they can get a lot of information and input from teachers. In this way, critical period and language acquisition are in a mutual relationship. So, English education at a young age is essential.

 Another reason why Japanese young people need to start at a young age is that English is a global language and communication tool. Many people in the world use English as their mother tongue, official language, or semi-official language. Learning English provides learners with knowledge and skills to communicate successfully with various foreign people. People who cannot use English will become obsolete because as time passes, technology and science will evolve. If people want to get more information from the Internet, people need English skills. Most of the information on the Internet is written in English. Connection with people spreads, and the amount of information increase considerably. In 2018, a famous Japanese businessman, Takafumi Horie, insists that English is an essential skill if they want to get in touch with other countries and succeed outside of Japan. If they speak English, the number of connections and the amount of information will increase dozens of times. Those who cannot speak English must be aware that they are competing with those who can do it. It is a disadvantage before standing on the stage. It is essential to persevere and have fun little by little. (English Multi-Power, 2018, p. 28) Also, those who can speak English will enjoy traveling abroad better than those who cannot speak English because there is no anxiety of communication. Besides, learning English makes they can see things from different angles. They become possible to understand the news written by English and interact with foreign people. It is interesting to learn about new cultures. Understanding intercultural communication is essential in a business setting.

Finally, Japanese people have to study English from a young age because companies that use English as a common language are increasing in Japan. It will be hard to get an excellent job without English proficiency. On the other hand, people who can speak English will be comfortable to get a job because one of the requirements for every good job has to have an English skill. Someone who wants to apply for the job in a big company should have a good ability in English. Since October 2018, Shiseido has been using English in meetings and emails for approximately 2500 people in Japan. In 2020, Honda will change English to the “official language.” Employees must use English when they write documents and send emails in different regions. In IDEC, all employees have to take a TOEIC test. SATO Holdings aims to all employees can communicate in English when it is necessary for business by 2020. (Nikkei, 2018) These companies use English as a semi-official language. The most famous company which introduce English as a common language is Rakuten. New employees cannot join there without the TOEIC score. They have to get 800 points. Also, Existing employees cannot work at the managerial level without English skills. Thanks to these efforts, Rakuten succeeded as a global company. The average of TOEIC score for employees was 526 in 2010 but exceeded 830 in 2017. Now, 80% of newly hired engineers are foreign nationals. (Nikkei, 2018) In Japan, decreasing birthrates and an aging population is a severe issue and is having a significant impact on the Japanese economy. So, many Japanese companies accept foreign workers to make up for the labor shortage recently. Now is the time to work with foreigners even if working in a Japanese company. In short, if people want to work in developed countries with a higher salary, they have to have English skills. The salary depends on their English ability. People can get the advantages of learning English and get a better and more comfortable life. Study English hard, and they will broaden their career options. It will open up to young people’s world. Young people who want to work internationally should study English. If they have English skills, they can work all over the world.

In conclusion, as the evidence shows, Japanese young people need to learn English. The current system of English education in Japan is not enough to compete on a global stage. Furthermore, Studying English provides learners with the knowledge and skills to communicate successfully with various foreign people. Therefore, studying English from a young age is very important. It is difficult for us to study new languages. However, it makes people grow a lot, and languages not only let them learn the language itself, but they also open up a new world. Globalization is advancing at such a rapid pace soon. There will come a time that Japanese people need to be able to speak English. 

Curriculum Planning Office. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (2009). 
英語教育をめぐる状況[The situation surrounding English education].
http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/chukyo/chukyo3/004/siryo/attach/1379938.htm Harumi Nishida. Kansai University. (11/26/2012)
Elementary School English Education
―The Present Condition of the Japanese Education System―
https://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/fl/publication/pdf_forum/5/081nishida.pdf Nikkei Ink. (7/8/2010)
 英語は企業人の必須科目に[English will be a mandatory course for business people]
Tokyo Takafumi Horie. (08/09/2018)
英語の多動力[English Multi-Power]
DHC. Tokyo Amy Chavez. (12/ 27/2013) 
Japan should take English lessons from the Philippines https://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2013/12/27/our-lives/japan-should-take-english-lessons-from-philippines/#.XamyaW5uI2w Matsui, Onishi, Hara. Nikkei inc. (9/26/2018)
職場の英語化 社員配慮[English in the workplace, consider employees]









