
iPadOS and Pointer Support with Craig Federighi

アップルの開発者会議WWDCまであと約1ヶ月ですが、それに先立ってアップル上級副社長のCraig FederighiがAppStoriesのインタビューに応じているので、その内容を紹介します。

AppStoriesは長年のiPadユーザーでもあるFederico Viticciが運営しているポッドキャストで、去年のWWDCでもCraig Federighiとのインタビューを行なっています。


Federico: We're recording this remotely.. I just have to ask, how are you and how are you adjusting to all of this, while continuing to work on new products and software updates at Apple?
Craig: You know, personally, I'm doing fine. I feel incredibly fortunate to have a role where we can continue to work together, even though we're seeing each other on screen a lot more, we're still all working together. Of course, we get a lot more family time, which is something I think we'll look back on fondly through this weird time. How about you?


Federico: We've been two month in lockdown, and just yesterday the Italian government started the so-called relaxed lockdown so now we can take a walk outside and take the dogs to the park, but I'm fine. As you said, I'm fortunate to be spending time with family.


Federico: Let's talk about the iPadOS. When I use the iPad and when I look at the pointer, it's a circle. Was that design intended to remind you of a finger?
Craig: Almost. On an iPad, the native level of precision is much closer to your finger so we wanted to reflect that in the pointer. If you were at the stand buying an ice cream and you wanted to point the ice cream you wanted, you wouldn't use a laser pointer. It feels like weirdly over-specific to draw a beam directly at some little part of the ice cream.

さて、本題に入ってiPadの話です。iPadOS 13.4でポインタが導入されましたが、Macの矢印とは違ってiPadではポインタが丸で表示されます。


Federico: It almost magnetically snaps to certain UI elements. What was your thinking behind this magnetic behavior?
Craig: That's an area we definitely put a lot of energy into refining and tuning. If you're making a general indication toward a target, you don't want to have to be extremely precise to do that, and you don't have to worry exactly where you're hitting it, it just matters that you're generally hitting it.

iPadではポインタがボタンに近づくと、ボタンに吸い込まれるエフェクトがあり、これは「magnetic effect」と呼ばれています。磁石が鉄などを引き寄せるかのような動きです。



We had prototypes where we can dial it up where it almost felt like the gravitational force into a black hole. You'd be passing by some button and suddenly your cursor would just zoom over and grab itself onto a button. The key was to always make sure that you felt in control, that the cursor wasn't sort of being yanked away from you.


ちなみに別のポッドキャストでは、iPadOSに搭載されたポインタは元々tvOS(Apple TV)向けに開発されたものだと明かされています。tvOSでは採用には至りませんでしたが、iPadOSではまさにタッチ時代の新しいポインタにふさわしいという事で採用されました。この話もいつか紹介したいと思います。

AppStories: iPadOS and Pointer Support with Craig Federighi
