





1) Japanese PM and IOC chief agree to postpone 2020 Olympics until 2021

Key Sentence 01

The IOC has been facing mounting pressure to delay the Games, which were originally scheduled to take place from July 24 to August 9, amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. It was also announced that the event will still be dubbed Tokyo 2020 despite the postponement.

mount: to increase in amount or level
dub: to give something or someone a particular name, especially describing what you think of it, him, or her



Key Sentence 02

"The IOC president and the Prime Minister of Japan have concluded that the Games ... must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021, to safeguard the health of the athletes, everybody involved in the Olympic Games and the international community," said a statement from the IOC and Tokyo 2020 organizing committee.

safeguard: to protect someone or something from harm or destruction



Key Sentence 03

The leaders agreed that the Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times and that the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel in which the world finds itself at present.

beacon: a light or fire on the top of a hill that acts as a warning or signal



2) Athletes unable to train

Key Sentence 04

On March 17, Japan's Olympic minister Seiko Hashimoto said the country was planning for a "complete" hosting of the Games, which she went on to explain meant an Olympics which "started on time and with spectators in attendance."



Key Sentence 05

Meanwhile, athletes who have been unable to train due to closed facilities and restricted access to coaches and training partners have also voiced opposition to the Games proceeding as planned.



Key Sentence 06

The financial implications of postponing the Olympics could be huge. Some experts believe the truer sum is likely to be $25 billion, a vast majority of which has already been spent on large-scale infrastructure projects such as transportation networks, hotels and new venues.



3) 'Only logical option'

Key Sentence 07

The health and well-being of human life must always be our number one priority and staging a sport event of any kind during this pandemic is simply not possible. Sport is not the most important thing right now, preserving human life is.

stage: to arrange and perform a play or show



Key Sentence 08

"At a time when many major communities around the world are in lockdown, with workplaces and shops closed and people urged not to leave their own homes, continuing to pursue the dream of the Tokyo 2020 Games happening this year does not make sense."

lockdown: a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency





P.S. その1 東京大会の延期コストを懸念する記事も出ています。施設・人員の確保など、調整事項は山積みで正確な値はまだ出ないのでは、と思いましたが、3000億円規模のようです。ウイルスのせいではあるのですが、予算をどのように確保していくのか、注視が必要ですね。消費や企業活動の落ち込みで、ただでさえ経済対策が必要な中、どのように捻出するのか…バッハ会長のコメントの記事も出ていました。
P.S. その2 ボリス・ジョンソン英首相が、外出禁止について演説をしています。食料品など生活必需品の購入、医療上必要な場合、1日1種類の運動、必要不可欠で自宅勤務ができない場合の通勤を除いて外出を認めず、違反の場合は罰則が適用されるようです。演説の動画は下記から見られます↓
P.S. その3 東京も外出自粛が要請され、緊迫感が高まってきました。帰国当初は、香港の緊張感と比べて、東京はまだ張り詰めた感じはしませんでしたが、今後、拡大しないように祈るばかりです…
