





Key Sentence 01

It was a turbulent day in the US stock market, which experienced a massive selloff amid coronavirus fears and a sharp drop in oil prices.

turbulent: full of confusion; lacking order
selloff: a sale of an investment, such as shares in a company, that causes its value to fall
amid: in the middle of or surrounded by

米国株式市場は大荒れ、コロナウイルスへの恐怖と原油価格の急落によって、かなりの売りが出た。massive, sharpなどの形容詞をうまく使えるようになりたい。


Key Sentence 02

The Dow had its worst point drop on record, overtaking the massive loss from February 27, less than two weeks ago. The index closed down 2,014 points, or 7.8%. It was its worst day since October 2008.

overtake: to go past something by being a greater amount or degree



Key Sentence 03

Stock futures trading was halted following steep losses in the overnight session, which carried into regular trading: Shortly after the market open the S&P 500 tumbled 7%, triggering a circuit breaker and forcing the New York Stock Exchange to suspend trading for 15 minutes.

halt: to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening
steep: (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle
: to fall a lot in value in a short time
circuit breaker: a rule that temporarily stops trade on a stock market or closes it when prices go down to a particular level too quickly

株式先物取引は、夜間の急落を受けて停止された。市場開始直後にS&P500は7%急落し、circuit breakerを引き起こした。NY市場取引は15分間停止された。



Key Sentence 04

Stocks remained in the red all day. The S&P 500 slumped 7.6% and the Nasdaq Composite declined 7.3%. It was the worst day for both indices since December 2008.

slump: (of prices, values, or sales) to fall suddenly

終日株式市場はマイナス、S&P500は7.6%の下落、ナスダックは7.3%の下落だった。2008年12月以来、両指数とも最低の値となった。drop, tumbleが前の文に出ていましたが、他に、slump, declineも下落を示す表現ですね。


Key Sentence 05

All three are now nearly 20% below their most recent highs, which is the definition of a bear market. If stocks fall further tomorrow, they will have slid from record highs to a bear market in a matter of weeks.

bear market: a period during which prices in a financial market are going down and a lot of people are selling shares
(compare) bull market: a time when the prices of most shares are rising
slid: past simple and past participle of slide





P.S. その1 株式市場では、色々な動物の例えがありますね。

黒い白鳥(black swan):発生の可能性は極めて低いが、甚大な損害をもたらす出来事
灰色のサイ(gray rhino):いつか起こると知りながら、手を打たず放置することで招いてしまう惨事



図 BULL vs. BEAR(←図はリンクより引用)


図 Black swan or Gray rhino(←図はリンクより引用)

P.S. その2 Gray rhinoを命名した、Michele Wucker氏のTED動画も興味深かったので引用します。Black swanではなく、避けられる危機=Gray rhinoに目を向けよ、と説いていますね。ぜひこちらの動画もご覧ください。
