

今回は、少し前の記事ですが、香港と新型コロナのニュースを紹介します。香港では大変厳しい封じ込めによって、現在も感染者数が低く抑えられています。Johns Hopkins 大学の統計を見ても、新規感染者はほとんどいません。

スクリーンショット 2020-05-16 21.35.06

図 香港における新型コロナウイルス感染者の動向(同大学サイトより引用)





スクリーンショット 2020-05-16 21.46.09

図 香港とシンガポールの新規感染者数

スクリーンショット 2020-05-16 21.46.19

図 香港とシンガポールの累計感染者数




1) Introduction

Key Sentence 01

After a brief period of low case numbers, new infections spiked dramatically, prompting a series of additional stringent restrictions.That second wave now appears to have largely passed. Hong Kong hasn't had a case of local transmission in more than two weeks, and the city is cautiously resuming normal life.

spike: to rise to a higher amount, price, or level, usually before going down again
stringent: extremely limiting or difficult; severe



Key Sentence 02

Hong Kong closed borders and began social distancing just a week or so after recording its first case. But this three-month stretch of working from home, business closures and service suspensions has dealt a massive blow to both the city's economy and the mental health and wellbeing of residents.



Key Sentence 03

Now, with the second wave mostly contained, many are itching to get back to pre-pandemic life. But Lam and other health experts are also cautioning people not to let their guard down too soon, as they did in February. With the virus still wreaking havoc on the rest of the world, it's too soon to celebrate, she warned. "I must stress that this epidemic may come back. As the WHO (World Health Organization) said not long ago ... we must remain vigilant," Lam said last week.

contain: to keep within limits; not to allow to spread
itch: to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails
wreak: to cause something to happen in a violent and often uncontrolled way
havoc: confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble
vigilant: always being careful to notice things, especially possible danger



2) How Hong Kong contained its second wave

Key Sentence 04

The government took quick, aggressive action to curb the second imported wave; they barred non-residents from entering the city, halted travelers from transiting through the city's airport, and implemented strict quarantine and testing measures on all arrivals to the city, regardless of origin. Those under home quarantine were given electronic bracelets to track their location.

aggressive: determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to win or to achieve success
curb: to control or limit something that is not wanted
bar: to prevent something or someone from doing something or going somewhere, or to not allow something
halt: to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening



3) Cautious return to normal life

Key Sentence 05

Since the virus' incubation period is up to 14 days, authorities would need to see two full incubation periods -- 28 days -- without infections to declare an end to local transmissions, Chuang said.

incubation: the process or period of time in which harmful bacteria or viruses increase in size or number in a person's or animal's body but do not yet produce the effects of disease



Key Sentence 06

And there's another concern looming on the horizon now -- the return of social unrest. The city was rocked by six months of often violent pro-democracy anti-government protests in 2019, which came to a halt during the pandemic. Now, there are signs that as the danger of coronavirus subsides, protesters are gearing up to return to the streets.

subside: (of a condition) to become less strong, or (of an activity or disagreement) to become less violent
gear up: to prepare for an activity or event

そして今、別の懸念 - 社会不安の復活 - が表層化しつつある。香港は、2019年、6ヶ月間に及ぶ、民主派による反政府抗議運動に翻弄されていたが、パンデミックによって停止状態だった。現在、コロナウイルスの危機の沈静化に伴って、街中に抗議者が戻る準備をしている兆候がみられる。


Key Sentence 07

"Hong Kong has consecutively seen zero cases of the coronavirus," posted Lam on Facebook last week. "At the moment we are able to withstand the pandemic ... Hong Kong was able to withstand the harsh winter, but I worry Hong Kong may be unable to withstand the resurgence of violence of the continuous devastation caused by politics."

consecutively: (of events, numbers, etc.) one after another without an interruption
harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary
devastation: damage and destruction







Morozoff Hong KongのFacebookのページを見ると、解任の投稿には、2,100の反応、724のコメントでした(5/17現在)。解任では甘い、もう買わない、侮蔑はひどい、等々の投稿が並んでいます。企業ブランドの毀損はかなりのものと推察します。

