

14日夜の対策本部で、39県を緊急事態宣言の対象から外すことを政府が決める、と報道されましたね。今回は、英文記事から、英語の表現・語彙を見ていきたいと思います。まずは、ABC Newsの下記記事から↓




Key Sentence 01

Experts on the Japanese coronavirus task force approved a government plan Thursday lifting an ongoing state of emergency ahead of schedule in most areas, except for Tokyo and several other high-risk areas.

task force: a group of people working together to do a particular job, esp. to solve a problem
lift: to end a rule or law
state of emergency: a temporary system of rules to deal with an extremely dangerous or difficult situation



Key Sentence 02

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a month-long state of emergency on April 7 in Tokyo and six other urban prefectures and later expanded it to the whole country through May 31. With signs of the infections slowing, Abe is seeking to relax the measure while balancing disease prevention and the economy. Japan now has more than 16,000 confirmed cases, with about 680 deaths. The number of new cases has significantly decreased nationwide.



Key Sentence 03

Abe is expected to explain details later Thursday. Experts are also expected to provide basis for easing the measure, as well as its possible tightening in case of a resurgence of the outbreak.

resurgence: a new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject or idea that had been forgotten for some time



Key Sentence 04

Experts and officials have urged people to adopt “new lifestyles” and continue practicing distancing measures such as remote working and avoid out-of-town trips, even after the state of emergency is lifted.



続いて、NHK Worldの下記記事から↓

Key Sentence 05

The Japanese government has consulted an advisory panel regarding its plan to lift the state of emergency in 39 out of the country's 47 prefectures.



Key Sentence 06

Economic Revitalization Minister Nishimura Yasutoshi sought the panel's views on ending the state of emergency in 34 prefectures, and in five of the prefectures that were put under special alert.



Key Sentence 07

Nishimura said the number of new infections is declining in those prefectures. He added that the government believes it's okay to lift the emergency declaration, as the availability of medical care is sufficient in those regions.



Key Sentence 08

He also requested the panel's views on the declaration of a second state of emergency, if a fresh outbreak occurs. Nishimura also wanted to know what kinds of measures should be implemented in prefectures where the emergency declaration has been lifted.





P.S. その1 GW明け、緊急事態宣言延長が決まった際のBBCの報道です。振り返りとして視聴してみました。

Observers have warned there is insufficient testing and that hospitals are already pushed to the limit. It gives governors the authority to ask residents to stay at home and businesses to close. There are no penalties for non-compliance, however.

P.S. その2 BBCによる考察、米国はロックダウン措置が遅れ、感染拡大を許した、原因は情報不足であった、という内容です。

Having watched Asian and European countries struggle against Covid-19, the US was slow to ramp up testing and order its residents to stay at home. We look at this crucial time period and what exactly was done to prevent the outbreak.

