

*Please see below for the English version.







Techメンバーの最高品質のプロダクトを届ける想いの強さと細部への拘りの強さ、Bizメンバーのお客様の成功を信じる想いの強さとそのためにだったら出来ることは何でもするコミット力の強さ、それらは ”顧客志向の高さ” という月並みな表現ではまとめきれないある種の「異常なまでの想いの強さ」がそこにはあり、入社して間もない私にとっては非常に新鮮で、良い意味でのサプライズだったことを今でも鮮明に覚えています。










データ=仲間を管理したり、評価したりするものではなく、仲間を応援し、その人の人生を豊かにするポジションに変えたい と思っています。

UPSIDERで頑張る → その結果がデータに現れる → 社内外で機会が増える → UPSIDER or ◯◯で頑張る、という選択を主体的に出来る



  • 挑戦者を信じ全力で応援すること。

  • データを活用して挑戦者の成功を応援すること。


  1. 対象者(候補者、社員)のニーズやインサイトを把握すること

  2. 課題に応じた施策の要件定義を明確にすること

  3. MVPを設計すること

  4. 開発プロセス及びチケットを管理し、社内に公開すること

  5. リーンにリリースし、結果(データ)をもとに改善を繰り返すこと






リードエンジニアの澤田がオランダで開催された KubeCon + CloudNativeCon に登壇。澤田を筆頭に、テックサイドからグローバルなチームづくりが進んでいます











UPSIDER's HR Embarks on a New Adventure


Hello everyone,

My name is Fujimoto, and I work in HR at UPSIDER. I joined the company in April 2022 and recently celebrated my one-year anniversary. Looking back on the past year, there were overwhelmingly more things I wanted to do but couldn't do, rather than what I actually achieved. However, with the support of various people, I was able to accomplish certain things, and as a result, I was appointed as HR Manager in May, at the beginning of UPSIDER's fiscal year.

 As this is a valuable opportunity, I would like to share with you the vision I have as UPSIDER's HR and the adventures I want to embark on with our HR team in the future.


HR team believing in challengers (=our members) and turning their challenges into success 

UPSIDER's mission is to "create a world-class financial platform that supports challengers." We believe in the potential of all of our clients who are challenging themselves in their business fields and we are committing to empowering and supporting them through financial means.


One of the things that surprised me when I joined UPSIDER was the intensity of its "customer-oriented mindset." The Tech team's strong commitment to delivering the highest quality product and attention to detail, and the Biz team's strong belief in the success of customers and their commitment to doing everything they can to support them, were not just customer-oriented, but demonstrated a kind of "abnormal strength of feeling" that cannot be summed up in ordinary expressions. Even now, I vividly remember how fresh and pleasantly surprising it was for me as a newcomer at that time.


When I chat with them about this memory and similar kinds of stories, they simply reply, "We still have a long way to go! It's just the beginning!" Including their humility, however, from my point of view as HR, they are truly the highest-level colleagues that I am proud of and can boast about to others.


And surrounded by such wonderful colleagues with great attitudes, I feel every day that the HR team should also embody these qualities.


The challengers we support through our business are our "clients," while the challengers HR should empower are our "colleagues."

I want to be an HR member who believes in and bets on the potential of my colleagues who have decided to join such an early-stage startup company like UPSIDER. The job application is the first point of contact between the members and the company, so HR is also the first person in the company to believe in members' potentials and capabilities. Therefore, I want to be an HR who believes in the potential of our members from the beginning to the end.


HR team leading clients and members to success through the use of data

Sometimes people refer to UPSIDER as a DX company, but our fundamental value lies in "supporting our clients by utilizing their data." We ask our clients to share their valuable data with us in a unique way. That is not meant to evaluate them unilaterally, but to create shared goals and work together towards a better future.

We may assist our clients in making their business more efficient or utilizing their money safely and securely. However, this is not our end goal but rather a means to an end, a process. Through this series of processes, we build trust with our clients and further entrust them with more valuable data, providing support that increases their chances of succeeding in their challenges. I believe that UPSIDER is a startup that creates such a cycle.

I am proud of UPSIDER's structure and business values, and I aspire to embody these values not only personally as an HR member but also to build an HR team that has never been realized in Japan.


Specifically, I want to change the meaning of “data” in UPSIDER’s HR domain from managing and evaluating the members to empowering them and enriching their lives. I would like to collect data during application and selection, KPI-based behavioural data, qualitative data from evaluation interviews or 360-degree feedback, and even daily communications and small actions. In doing so, I want to create a positive cycle for our members such as;

you work hard at UPSIDER -> your performance and results will be reflected in collected data -> your opportunities both inside and outside the company will be increased -> you can make your own decision for your career whether to continue working at UPSIDER or move on to other opportunities at your own pace. I believe that by creating such a cycle, we can support our team members in a more holistic and empowering way.



Developing a trustworthy and strong HR organization in the way of developing a strong product

As mentioned before, what kind of value we create through our business is different from what HR does through its daily work, but I believe the essence is fundamentally the same.

-       It is about believing in and supporting challengers with all our might

-       It is about supporting their success by utilizing the data

This is what it ultimately comes down to.
Although creating high-quality products and building a strong organization are not identical, we see many commonalities between them. We believe that UPSIDER's HR should value a product development mindset.

I believe that these are some of the common practices in product development:

  1. Understanding the needs and insights of the target audience (in HR's case, candidates and employees).

  2. Clearly defining requirements and measures tailored to each issue.

  3. Designing MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).

  4. Managing the development process and tickets, and sharing their latest status internally.

  5. Releasing and iterating based on results and data.

We want HR to naturally follow these steps when developing our organization. Therefore, at UPSIDER, we aim to actively recruit not only HR specialists but also people who have experience in product development and business creation, even if they lack prior HR experience. We believe that this approach will enable us to create a new kind of HR.

By the way, while UPSIDER itself is undoubtedly a financial institution, only about 20-30% of our members have a financial career as their background. The remaining 70-80% have joined from completely different industries and fields, and have made wonderful contributions. We believe that the fusion of specialized knowledge and experience unique to experts and innovative ideas and concepts unique to amateurs is UPSIDER's strength, and we want to create a similar chemical reaction also in HR team.

However, it is important to remember that each and every person is a valuable member of the organization, and that HR has a responsibility that affects their lives with every decision. We want to aim for a strong HR team that realizes both caution and boldness.


HR team that smoothes the boundaries of nations through the power of technology and culture

UPSIDER is a startup company that has had a remote work policy since its inception, and we have been working with global members as a matter of course ever since. Although we currently have only about 60 employees as of May 2023, the number of global members has increased to a point where it cannot be contained by both hands.

We plan to expand our products overseas in the near future, and first and foremost, we declare that expanding our business globally is one of our missions. However, as of now, we still have a lot to do to truly embody a global mindset at UPSIDER. We are currently only addressing visible issues on a makeshift basis and are largely relying on the high level of support among our members.

In order to evolve into a company that can welcome talented challengers (i.e. UPSIDERs) from around the world without borders and a company where their talents are fully utilized from Day 1, HR will also evolve. We will use the power of technology and culture to overcome all language, time zone, and cultural barriers, as well as any other challenges. Our goal is to create a company that is considered "my own company" from various perspectives, regardless of which country you are from.


In conlcusion 

I would like to express my gratitude for reading through my humble writing. To achieve the HR vision that I have outlined thus far, I realize that I cannot do it alone with my own abilities, and our team currently does not have enough members to make it a reality.

Above all, we need talented and strong teams to overcome the long journey ahead. 

If you have any interest in UPSIDER's organizational development or HR after reading this blog, please feel free to have a casual chat with us!
