
英検1級ライティング world hunger

お題 Should more be done to eliminate world hunger?


The 21century has witnessed countless number of people in developing nations fall victim to hunger crisis due to multiple factors like climate change, inequality and regional conflicts. Given these tragic events, I firmly support the notion that our abiding commitments to the elimination of famine should be an indispensable part of our society.

To begin with, it is a poignant reminder that numerous youngsters in developing nations have been constantly exposed to the devastating impacts of global hunger. At the root of this grave issue is climate change. Despite their innocence of causing climatic disasters, they disproportionately bear the brunt of environmental problems which ruthlessly deprive them of ample opportunities to savor the quality of food. In order to wrestle with this problem squarely, it is unavoidable that major industrial powers which are main culprits of climate change should make financial compensations for sufferance impoverished nations currently face.

Furthermore, we cannot have substantive discussions about world hunger without acknowledging any visible effects of international war. For instance, it must be abundantly clear that Russia's atrocious invasion into Ukraine has brought about sharp increase in food prices, thereby resulting situation in which many general citizens chronically suffer from sheer lack of nutritional value. If the war happens anywhere in the world at some point in modern days, it should be a cautionary tale that governments across globe make an equitable distribution of food a top priority. This international cooperation can be one of the contributing factors that alleviates calamitous consequences many people in the world have been experiencing.

Another major justification for my belief is that societal factors are attributable to food crisis. Existing inequities are cases in point in which racial minorities unfairly shoulder the burden on food shortages. In the US,  black people and Asian Americans tend to be put on the back-burner in terms of food provision owing to systematic racial discrimination. Unless such a endemic imbroglio is eliminated from all aspects of society, hunger crisis will not be a thing of the past in the future. To tackle this problem, constructive cooperation between local municipality and national government must be integral and they should play pivotal roles in creating comprehensive countermeasures which can prevent the recurrence of racial inequality.

In this increasingly chaotic world, chronical hunger should be viewed as one of the pressing international problems we deal with considerately. In summary, it is an inescapable truth that we should make continuous efforts to solve food crisis.
