
エッセイライティング multiculturalism

TOPIC Do the benefits of multiculturalism outweigh its disadvantages?

Considering the fact that globalisation has been gaining its attention in modern society, constant flows of students, scholars and ideas have soared over the past two decades. Owing to this situation, it can be argued that drawbacks of multiculturalism are eclipsed by its advantages for the following three reasons.

To begin with, "diversity" has occupied an integral position in our society. In recent days, we cannot walk down a street and use public transport without witnessing numerous types of foreign people enjoy leading their individual life. Building amicable relationships with them allows us to gain better understanding of foreign cultures and traditions which are starkly different from our own counterparts. As a positive result, it serves as a catalyst for us to expand our perspectives toward wide array of ongoing events such as political situations and regional conflicts.

Additionally, multiculturalism makes it possible for countries to prosper economically. A growing number of foreign workes in some parts of the world can foster a sense of creativity. For instance, thanks to the introduction of foreign workers into Japan's homogeneous workplaces, Japanese people are capable of digesting various ideas brought by foreigners. Drawing on these invaluable perspectives in terms of the economic management, it potentially leads to economic growth.

Another reason to support my opinion is that multiculturalism greatly contributes to scientific advancement. As globalisation is one of the forces in today's world, unfettered movement of ideas and creativity can be seen everywhere. Such a dynamic phenomenon has opened the door for us to develop brand-new scientific knowledge provided by well-known researchers the world over. Furthermore, this international exchange acts as a optimal solution to future infectious diseases, thereby saving countless human lives.

In conclusion, these three reasons I mentioned above in this essay make it apparent that the benefits of multiculturalism outweigh its disadvantages.
