
ケンブリッジ英検essay writing②

Ways in which language learners can be successful.


Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way would be more effective in encouraging young people to study science, providing reasons to support your opinion.


It is obviously clear that having a good command of foreign languages has been our main assets in this increasingly international society. In order to be proficient in foreign languages, it is unavoidable for us to make continuous efforts to improve our language skills. Of the three points mentioned above, personality and motivation must be effective in terms of being successful language learners.

As far as personality is concerned, extroverted type of people are capable of building amicable relationships with foreign people through the use of foreign languages. Specifically, the fact that English is a lingua franca means that equipping ourselves with abilities to speak English opens the door to expanding our horizons toward various types of cultures and perspectives. People with sociable personalities tend to be talkative, leading to situations in which they always spend a great deal of time on talking with others.  Therefore, an effective use of this outgoing characters provides us with ample chances to communicate with numerous types of people. This plays pivotal roles in not only improving our speaking skills but also shaping our thoughts and values toward foreign cultures.

Never in terms of language learning has a motivation consigned to oblivion. Language learning entails a significant amount of time and effort. More often than not, many people fall into the trap of having their motivation lost owing to insurmountable challenges in learning foreign languages.
Since it is indispensable for us to make strenuous efforts to acquire second languages, we cannot deny any possibilities that motivation is a building block of being successful language learners. Additionally, in recent society, many language learners have posted their learning records on social media platforms. This opportunity has the potential to inspire us to learn foreign languages one another, possibly feeling a tremendous sense of camaraderie.

Of the two factors I discussed in this essay, I am of the belief that motivation is more effective in being successful language learners. The main justification for my stance is that acquiring languages is accompanied by a huge amount of time and effort. Accordingly, keeping motivation must be an important factor when it comes to devoting ourselves to learning foreign languages.
