
英検1級ライティング fossil fuel

お題 :Will fossil fuels such as oil and gas still be the world's main source of energy in the coming decades?


Rarely in modern days have years passed by without witnessing the headlines of environmental problems. It is often pointed out that overdependence on fossil fuels is attributable to climate change, exacerbating the environment in which many animals chronically suffer from worsening air quality and shrinking their inhabitable lands. Given this fact, the idea that fossil fuels will be a main feature of the world's energy over the next decades must be skeptical for the following three reasons.

One cogent reason to support my stance is that the excessive use of fossil fuels exerts detrimental impacts on the environment.
For instance, burning oils leads to immeasurable amount of emissions of carbon dioxide, consequently worsening climatic catastrophe. Massive floods and intense heat stemming from climate change have plunged countless number of animals into dire straits. Without any strategies for weaning us from the use of fossil fuels, it will be an inescapable truth that the world witnesses human beings and animals fall victim to disastrous events.

Furthermore, impoverished people in developing nations have disproportionately bore the brunt of devastating influences caused by massive constructions of fossil fuel plants.  In light of the circumstance under which constructing these buildings entails huge size of lands, there is every possibility that many citizens in developing countries are ruthlessly deprived of ample spaces to reside permanently.
Additionally, it can also be said that developing nations have a tendency to be in the grip of various types of crises. Food shortages stand out as the case in point.  The frequency of environmental irregularities like sharp rise in temperature has caused grains or vegetables to perish, thereby resulting in the situation in which poor people fall into the trap of chronic hunger.

Another major contributing factor for my belief is that the availability of fossil fuels has the potential to inflict cost of living crisis on our daily lives. Specifically, western countries have imposed economic sanctions on Russia in the wake of its atrocious invasion into Ukraine, which has prompted Russia to hobble the steady supply of oil across the globe.  This has brought about dramatic increase in gas or food prices, eventually making people's halcyon days a thing of the past. More tragically, due to a surge in prices, numerous youngsters have had no choice but to abandon their prospect of going to universities. Therefore, it is unavoidable that they face the hindrance to the advancement of their careers, possibly suppressing nations' innovative power and losing their economic luster.

In conclusion, in views of three reasons mentioned above, I would like to refute the stance that fossil fuels will be a pivotal presence of the world's energy sources in the next decades.
