英検1級ライティング Internet

お題 Do the benefits of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages?


Not a day goes by without our being exposed to the rapid development of the Internet. In this increasingly technological society, the presence of the Internet has  altered the way we live and communicate fundamentally and enables us to build amicable relationships with each other without any geographical and physical difficulties. Despite its evident assets, I advocate for the idea that the advantages of the Internet are eclipsed by its downsides.

One noteworthy example that springs to my mind is its detrimental impacts on our health. In recent times, it has been widely acknowledged that numerous youngsters have been suffering from a sheer lack of sleep. The main cause of this issue is that they have a tendency to use smartphones and personal computers until midnight. Therefore, this trend compromises their quality of sleep, potentially worsening their ability to concentrate and leading to other health problems.

Additionally, Internet is teeming with dubious information. Unless we possess necessary knowledge to distinguish which is true or false, we fall victim to huge amount of misinformation. Although the use of the Internet is tremendously beneficial in searching for a great deal of information, it is imperative that we should attach importance to the moderate use of the Internet.

Another major reason supporting my viewpoint is that there is a high probability that we confront online crimes in using the Internet. For instance, anonymous defamation has been garnered significant attention as one of the most serious social issues. When using the Internet, anonymous perpetrators often hurl defamtory statements at our post, thereby inflicting damaging effects on our psychological conditions irrevocably.

In conclusion, given three reasons mentioned above, I am of the belief that disadvantages of the Internet outweigh its beneficial points.
