



扱う題材はTOEFL, 英検1級、IELTS が主になります。


お題 Should death penalty be banned in Japan?


There has been a controversial argument that capital punishment should be abolished in Japan. It is often pointed out that death penalty serves as an effective deterrent against recidivism. Despite this common belief, I believe that death penalty should be eradicated in views of perpetrators' dignity, racial discrimination and cycle of violence.

One cogent reason to support my view is that we should attach importance to perpetrators' dignity. Although it may be guaranteed that meting out death punishment acts as a stepping stone for bettering public safety, it simultaneously deprives them of chances to sincerely reflect on their past conducts. Given the potential situation in which some criminal people can integrate into social community, it is indispensable for us to give them options to rehabilitate and obtain skills necessary for successful transition into our society.

Another justification for why I believe that death penalty should be prohibited in Japan is that "minority" people disproportionately bear the brunt of capital punishment. Specifically, racial discrimination conspicuous in the US has created such social problems as unreasonable punishment toward black people and Asian people.  Even with minor offences like shoplifting and property theft, minority people always fall victim to unjust treatment like longer incarceration and death penalty in comparison with white counterparts. In light of the truth where increasing number of foreign people immigrate to Japan, overdependence on the use of death penalty may cause similar problems seen in the US.

Furthermore, improper use of death punishment falls us into the trap of the vicious cycle of violence.  Proponents of death penalty with extremist views believe that the introduction of capital punishment into our community acts as a silver bullet for eradicating atrocious criminals from our society. Although the law of death penalty was devised for the purpose of preventing recidivism, the idea that death penalty is versatile in redressing human behaviour may instigate us to resort to violence.

In conclusion, for three above-mentioned reasons, I firmly support my stance that death penalty should be done away with in Japan.
