

お題 Should cloning research be promoted or should it be discontinued?


There have been some divisions among experts over the issue of whether or not cloning research should be encouraged for a long time. Personally, I am of the belief that cloning research ought to be promoted because it can greatly contribute to our society in numerous respects.

One primary example that comes to my mind is that it can play a pivotal role in alleviating the issue of extinction. In recent times, countless number of animals and their inhabitants have been eliminated owing to climate change. This causes disintegration of biodiversity, leading to unbalanced ecosystem. With the presence of cloning research, however, it is possible for us to restore extinct species. While some detractors may argue that it constitutes a flagrant violation of animals' morals, I believe that cloning research acts as a basic component of maintaining equilibrium of biotic diversity.

Furthermore, the advancement of cloning research can be applicable to medical development. Such a medical contribution has the potential to prevent future pandemics from permeating our daily lives.
It can also be argued that medical cloning invents diverse array of medicine instantly.
If we use cloning technology as a way to cure new viruses, we are capable of tackling inequitable distribution of vaccine that dogged us when COVID-19 spread across the globe.

Another reason to support my idea is that cloning research can be a solution to world hunger. In the throes of international conflicts, numerous people all over the world are struggling to get nutritional value due to a sharp increase in food prices. Additionally, environmental issues such as deforestation and massive floods have devastated the lands which are necessary to harvest various types of food, consequently resulting in the circumstance under which many people cannot savour food sources.
However, to rectify these dire situations, GM foods have been one of the main features. Were it not for the research of cloning, it would be infeasible for us to develop GM foods. Therefore, the idea that the availablity of cloning research can be a contributing factor in solving hunger cannot be overestimated.

In conclusion, for the three above-mentioned reasons, I stand by my belief that cloning research should be proactively  carried out in our society.
