
英検1級ライティング nuclear weapon

お題 Is the worldwide ban on the use of nuclear weapons attainable?


The idea of a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction is a laudable goal many nations strive to achieve. While the international community has made progress in limiting the spread of nuclear weapons, it is highly unlikely that a comprehensive ban on the use of them will be accomplished.

One major contributing factor is a lack of political willingness among some countries to support a ban on WMDs. They tend to think of these weapons as an indispensable deterrent against potential threats from other nations. For instance, North Korea has attempted to bombard neighboring countries like South Korea and Japan with nuclear weapons, thus putting Asian areas at risk. Additionally, Russia and the US have massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons and may be unwilling to give up their strategic advantage.

Furthermore, the implementation of a ban on nuclear weapons would be an insurmountable challenge. With a view to eliminating nuclear weapons, it would be necessary to create a multilateral system in place to monitor compliance and prevent non-state actors from obtaining these weapons. This enforcement, however, would require a significant investment of resources and cooperation from all nations, which may not be feasible.

Finally, even if the effective implementation of a ban on nuclear weapons is carried out, never in history have some nations stopped using these lethal tools. Despite the accumulation of strenuous efforts the UN and some nations have made, mercenary groups and terrorists have chosen to develop and acquire nuclear weapons in a secret manner. This obscurity compromises our pursuit of attaining world peace, thereby falling victim to atrocity of war and conflicts.

In summary, no matter how tenacious our commitments are, it is unfeasible to attain complete ban on WMDs given the situation in which some nations and non-state actors have overly depended on them.
