
英検1級 IELTSライティング water

お題 TOPIC:Can the global demand for water be met in the future?


There are some divisions among experts over the issue of whether or not the global demand for water can be satisfied over the next decades. In recent society, climate change has exerted devastating impacts on water supply by causing drought on a massive scale.  Nonetheless, I stand by my opinion that the water can be accessible to people across the globe for the following three reasons.

One cogent reason to support my belief is that  people all over the world have relentlessly wrestled with the issue of water shortages. SDG stands out as a case in point in which many activists strive to ensure availability and proper management of water for all of the people equitably. This campaign encourages human beings, including myself, to think objectively about the way of resolving a long-lasting scarcity of water, potentially fostering our collective efforts to meet the demand for water.

Additionally, it is evidently clear that water is a contributing factor in growing nutritional food such as fruits and vegetables. In this increasingly fast-paced society, the importance of our health conditions have been attached among us given the current situation in which processed foods are prevalent. Therefore, it is safe to say that this modern trend promotes the situation in which we should make abiding commitments to preserving water.

Another major justification for bolstering my argument is that in order to take countermeasures against diminishing amount of water governments and municipalities have been creating dams and reservoirs. Despite the fact that environmental disasters like massive floods and intense heat hamper this development, technological advancements enable us to make water management systems. With such a structure, it is possible that we can gain access to water resources in the face of ongoing calamities.

Global warming mainly caused by human activities has ruthlessly deprived us of ample chances to savor the quality of water. Multiple factors such as SDG, social trend and effective water management, however, can be a building block of meeting the global demand for water in the future.
