
エッセイライティング quantum computing

お題 Will the advancement of quantum computers transform our society in a positive manner?


Amidst the rapid development of new technologies like AI tools or driverless cars, the use of quantum computers has been increasingly woven into the fabric of our society. Firms such as Google, IBM and Microsoft have attempted to adapt to the utilization of quantum computers in order to streamline their work efficiency. Given this, it is my personal stance that quantum computers can contribute to the betterment of our lives.

To begin with, the fast rate at which quantum computers could perform computation allows us to carry out complicated calculation. For instance, in the world of financial investment, they can contemplate countless patterns of different global investment and provide which ones have the best chance of success in the long run. This enables investment companies to make more accurate financial predictions and reduces their burden on tinkering with portfolio, saving costs and potentially boosting profits.

Furthermore, quantum computers can be applicable to the medical field. They can detect diseases instantly and create a formula for effective medicine, thereby fostering medical improvement in a revolutionary manner. With the availability of such a technology, numerous types of diseases can be diagnosed simultaneously and people in impoverished nations will gain equitable access to medicine or vaccine.

Another cogent reason to support my opinion is that quantum computers can be used in collaboration with artificial intelligence. In recent years, the prevalence of chatgpt has garnered significant attention among us. It can write essays, lyrics and poems with the use of multiple foreign languages. However, concern for the dependence on chatgpt has been growing on the grounds that answers or solutions provided by it are partially inaccurate. For the purpose of redressing this situation, wide application of quantum computers will be indispensable because it has the potential to correct these mistakes with its tremendous dexterity.

In summary, the introduction of quantum computers into our society is a positive trend in light of the circumstances under which the world has been altered fundamentally by the breakneck speed of technological advancement.  Not until we can adapt to the ubiquity of quantum computers will the world be able to lead a fulfilling life in the future.
