
英検1級ライティング investment in technology

お題 Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?

The development of technology has brought about huge transformation in our lives. If goverments and companies make a financial contribution to technology, it is incontrovertible that our lifestyles change in a positive manner. Nevertheless, I refute this viewpoint given the current situation in which there are other areas to require more immediate attention and investment.

To begin with, emphasising investment in technology means that we have no choice
but to develop new technologies at the expense of vulnerable people. Since investment in technology entails significant funds towards research and development, goverments, without a doubt, cannot afford to tackle pressing issues such as poverty and climate change. Consequently, this leads to chaotic circumstances in which poor citizens in developing nations unfairly bear the brunt of negative ramifications technological investment generates.

Furthermore, investing in technology has the potential for having unintended consequences. The rapid advancement of technology can lead to youngsters' addiction to mobile devices, social media or even games, which results in worsening their health and mental conditions. Although the ubiquity of technology feeds the success of communicating with each other without any
geographical or physical difficulties, online crimes and anonymous defamation have been rampant. Taking youngsters' excessive use of social media into account, we should attach more
importance to judicious management of new technologies and educate them the way of co-existing with technology in modern days.

Another factor to consider is that investment in technology is not always a surefire solution to making our lives more prosperous. Automation of jobs is a case in point in which countless workers are in jeopardy. Such a job replacement can be a contributing role in saving time and effort, but it causes unemployment and social inequality. This situation brings about economic instability into nations, thereby corrupting social order. Therefore, it can be argued that technological investment can be one of the main causes of decadence of countries.

In summary, for the above-mentioned three reasons, I disagree with the statement that technological investment should be a priority for governments.
