

お題 Agree or disagree: A growing proportion of elderly people is a positive trend in our society.


Ageing population has garnered a significant attention among us as one of the main social problems. While some people claim that this demographic change is a negative tendency, I personally stand by my belief that an increase in the proportion of old people has beneficial impacts on our society.

One beneficial point to bear in our mind is that elderly people can provide us with huge amount of traditional or historical knowledge. In recent times, workshops or volunteer activities which mainly focus on learning local traditions and history have been a main feature in community centers.
These interactive events surely enable us not only to cultivate our abilities to digest  local cultures but also to build constructive relationships with one another, potentially preserving local legacies on a permanent basis.

Additionally, there are numerous old people with altruistic behaviour. For instance, after retirement, they are willing to spend time profusely on doing volunteer activities like picking garbage and cleaning beaches or public places. Such a benevolence can be one of the basic components of maintaining our social communities in a better manner, thereby contributing to the betterment of our daily lives. Furthermore, there is a good chance that youngsters have an effective communication with elderly persons. This valuable opportunity to communicate with each other amicably serves as a catalyst for making our society more vibrant.

Another factor to corroborate my argument is that old people with considerable accumulation of life experience can make a huge contribution to the prosperity of youngsters in the future. The rapid rate at which social pictures and technological advancement have progressed is attributable to young people's mental instability. Social media is a case in point in which youngsters bear the brunt of misinformation and insults traded on Twitter or Facebook. Consequently, they chronically suffer from these insurmountable challenges on online platforms, thereby resulting in social withdrawal or suicide.  However, enlightening lessons and words provided by elderly people have the potential for a breakthrough from vicious cycle of complexties. Therefore, an inculcation of these persuasive beliefs by elderly people into youngsters' hearts may act as a precursor for them to weather this trouble at some point in their life.

Although greying society is tend to be viewed as a grave social matter, there are positive consequences in our society. It is about time we thought about how we construct productive relationships with old
