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Florida Approves Lawフロリダ州が法律を承認 /Banning Social Mediaソーシャルメディアを禁止する/ for Children under 14 14歳未満の子供達に
March 28, 2024
Florida Governor Ron DeSantisロン・デサンティスフロリダ州知事が/ on Monday月曜日/ signed a law法律に署名/ that bans children子供達に禁止する/ in the state州で/ under the age of 14  14歳未満の /from having a social media account.ソーシャルメディアアカウントを持つことを
The measure requiresこの法律は要求する/ parental permission親の許可を/ before 14 and 15 year olds 14歳と15歳の前に/ can sign up署名できる/ for personal social media accounts個人的なソーシャルメディアアカウントに/ in Florida.フロリダ州で
Supporters say支持者;/ the bill protects children法案は子どもたちを保護する/ from possible online harm,潜在的なインターネットの害から/ including threats脅威を含めた /to mental health精神精神衛生や/ and privacy.プライバシーの
Critics have said批評家;/ the law might violate法律は違反する可能性がある/ the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第一条に/protection of free speech. 言論の自由の保護に/Some opponents have said 一部の反対者が唱える/they think彼らは考えている/ parents 親が/not the government政府ではなく/ should be the ones to decide 決めるべきものだと/which restrictions are best 制限が一番良いと/for their child.子供にとって /Meta, メタは/the parent company of Facebook, フェイスブックの親会社/opposed the legislationこの法律に反対する /for example.例えば
Florida’s legislature passed the lawフロリダ議会は法律を可決した /earlier this month.今月初旬に /It was the second version of the measure. 第二バージョンの法律であった/The first version, 第一バージョンは/which passed Florida’s legislatureフロリダ議会で可決された/ in February, 2月に/ would have completely banned 完全に禁止する/children 子供たちを/under age 16 16歳未満の/ from social media.ソーシャルメディアから
DeSantis vetoed デサンティス氏が拒否権を発動/that version of the bill,この法案のバージョンに/ saying話す/ he thought彼は考える/ it was too restrictiveあまりに規制し過ぎる/ of parental rights. 親の権利を/But the governor’s office workedしかし知事オフィスは活動する/ with legislators議員とともに/ to come up with a new measure新たな法律を考えるために/ he could support. 彼が支持できる/The new law leaves it up to parents 新しい法律は親に委ねる/to decide 決定を/whether their 16 and 17 year olds  16歳と17歳の子供が/ can sign up署名できるかどうかの/ for social media accounts.ソーシャルメディアアカウントに
In a statement, 声明で/DeSantis saidデサンティス氏は話す/research had repeatedly shown 調査は繰り返し示す/that social media services ソーシャルメディアサービスはcan harm 害を及ぼす可能性がある/children子供たちに /in several major ways. いくつかの主要な方法で/The legislation, 法律は/he added, 彼は付け足す/is designed to give parents 親に与えるように考案されている/a greater ability 大きな能力を /to protect their children.彼らの子供たちを保護するための
The law is set to take effect 法律は実行される予定だ/on January 1, 2025. 2025年1月1日に/ But experts say専門家;/ the measure is likely to faceこの法律は直面する可能性がある/ legal challenges法的問題に/ in court.裁判所で
DeSantis noted デサンティス氏が指摘/ that another bill他の法案は /he signed into law 彼が法律に署名した/two years ago 2年前に/ was recently struck down最近無効にされた /by a federal appeals court. 連邦告訴裁判所で/That law banned employersこの法律は雇い主に禁止する/ from requiring training sessions トレーニングセッションを要求することを/that included discussions議論を含む/ about race, 人種/diversity多様性/ and other issues. 他の問題の/The appeals court ruled連邦控訴裁判所は採決した/ that such training methods violatedそのような訓練方法は違反だと /the constitutional free speech rights 憲法の言論の自由の/of employers.雇い主の
The new law was guided新しい法律が導入された/ through Florida’s House of Representativesフロリダ州の下院を通して/by Republican Speaker Paul Renner. 共和党のポール・レナー議長によって/At a bill-signing ceremony署名式典では/ at a school, 学校での/Renner said レナー氏は話す/ a child, 子供は/whose brain is still developing,まだ脳が未発達の /doesn’t have the ability 能力は持たない/to know 知る/ that they’re being sucked into 彼らが吸い込まれていることを/these addictive technologies.”中毒性テクノロジーに/ He added, 彼は付け足す/Because of that, そのために/we have to step in for them.我々は足を踏み入れる必要がある
The bill does not name法案は名前を挙げていない/ any specific social media service. 特定のソーシャルメディアサービスの/But it statesしかし述べている /that it targets social media sitesソーシャルメディアサイトを対象にしている/ using toolsツールを使う/ to get users to stay onlineユーザーをオンラインに留まらせるための/ for long periods. 長い期間/The measure does not cover services法案はサービスを含まない /that mainly provide主に提供している/ email, 電子メール/messagingメッセージ交換/or texting services.あるいはテキストメールサービスを
The law requires social media companies法案はソーシャルメディア会社に求める/ to permanently remove personal information 永久に個人情報を取り除くことを/collected 収集した/from closed accounts. 閉鎖したアカウントから/And it lets parents bring civil lawsuits親は民事訴訟を起こすことができる/ against servicesサービスに対して/ failing to do so.そうしなかった
Several U.S. states have consideredいくつかのアメリカの州が検討/ similar legislation. 同じような法律を/In March 2023, 2023年3月/Utah became the firstウタ州が初めてになった/ to enact laws法律を制定した /coveringカバーする/ children's use of social media.子どものソーシャルメディアの使用を /Measures法律が /in Arkansas, アーカンソー州/Louisiana,ルイジアナ州/ Ohioオハイオ州/ and Texasテキサス州での/ soon followed. すぐ後に続く/Several other states are also developing 他のいくつかの州も計画を立てている/new rules.新しい規則の
The Arkansas law required parental consentアーカンソー州の法律は親の同意を求める/ for minors未成年者に対して /to create new social media accounts.新たなソーシャルメディアアカウントを作ることに/ A federal judge blocked連邦判事が阻止した/ the law法律を/ in August. 8月に/The judge ruled判事は裁定した/ the legislation was likely unconstitutional.法律は違憲の可能性があると
Florida has enactedフロリダ州が制定/ additional measures追加の法律を/ aimed at protecting children 子どもたちを保護する目的で/from possible technological harms. 起こりえる技術的な害から/Last year,昨年 /it became the first state初めての州になった/ to strongly restrict 強く制限する/phones in schools. 学校での携帯電話を/The law requires all public schools法律は公立学校に求める/ in Florida フロリダ州の/to ban student cellphone use生徒の携帯電話の禁止を/ and block social media services さらにソーシャルメディアのブロックを/during class.授業の間
sign a law 法律に署名
under the age of 14 14歳未満
parental permission 親の許可
mental health 精神的健康
violate 違反する
U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment  アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第1条
legislature pass 議会が可決
the second version of the measure 措置の第2版
restrictive 制約的な
come up with 考え出す
leave up to parent 親にゆだねる、親に任せる
greater ability より大きな権限、より大きな能力
set to take effect 実施される予定だ
legal challenges 法的な異議の申し立て
strike down 無効にされる
federal appeals court 連邦告訴裁判所
race 人種
diversity 多様性
bill-signing ceremony 署名式典
suck into 夢中になる
addictive technologies 中毒性テクノロジー
step in 足を踏み入れる
civil lawsuits 民事訴訟
unconstitutional 違憲である
consent for minors 未成年者の同意
enact 制定する
[In the original](原文)
Florida Approves Law /Banning Social Media/ for Children under 14
March 28, 2024
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis/ on Monday/ signed a law/ that bans children/ in the state/ under the age of 14 /from having a social media account.
The measure requires/ parental permission/ before 14 and 15 year olds/ can sign up/ for personal social media accounts/ in Florida.
Supporters say/ the bill protects children/ from possible online harm,/ including threats /to mental health/ and privacy.
Critics have said/ the law might violate/ the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment /protection of free speech. /Some opponents have said /they think/ parents not the government/ should be the ones/ to decide /which restrictions are best /for their child. /Meta, /the parent company of Facebook, /opposed the legislation /for example.
Florida’s legislature passed/ the law earlier /this month. /It was the second version of the measure. /The first version, /which passed Florida’s legislature/ in February,/ would have completely banned /children /under age 16/ from social media.
DeSantis vetoed /that version of the bill,/ saying/ he thought/ it was too restrictive/ of parental rights. /But the governor’s office worked/ with legislators/ to come up with a new measure/ he could support. /The new law leaves it up to parent/s to decide /whether their 16 and 17 year olds/ can sign up/ for social media accounts.
In a statement, /DeSantis said /research had repeatedly shown /that social media services can harm /children /in several major ways. /The legislation, /he added, /is designed to give parents /a greater ability /to protect their children.
The law is set to take effect /on January 1, 2025./ But experts say/ the measure is likely to face/ legal challenges/ in court.
DeSantis noted/ that another bill /he signed into law /two years ago/ was recently struck down /by a federal appeals court. /That law banned employers/ from requiring training sessions /that included discussions/ about race, /diversity/ and other issues. /The appeals court ruled/ that such training methods violated /the constitutional free speech rights /of employers.
The new law was guided/ through Florida’s House of Representatives/ by Republican Speaker Paul Renner. /At a bill-signing ceremony/ at a school, /Renner said/ a child, /whose brain is still developing, /doesn’t have the ability /to know/ that they’re being sucked into /these addictive technologies.”/ He added, /Because of that, /we have to step in for them.
The bill does not name/ any specific social media service. /But it states /that it targets social media sites/ using tools/ to get users/ to stay online/ for long periods. /The measure does not cover services /that mainly provide/ email, /messaging /or texting services.
The law requires social media companies/ to permanently remove personal information /collected /from closed accounts. /And it lets parents bring civil lawsuits/ against services/ failing to do so.
Several U.S. states have considered/ similar legislation. /In March 2023, /Utah became the first/ to enact laws /covering/ children's use of social media. /Measures /in Arkansas, /Louisiana,/ Ohio/ and Texas/ soon followed. /Several other states are also developing /new rules.
The Arkansas law required parental/ consent for minors /to create new social media accounts./ A federal judge blocked/ the law/ in August. /The judge ruled/ the legislation was likely unconstitutional.
Florida has enacted/ additional measures/ aimed at protecting children /from possible technological harms. /Last year, /it became the first state/ to strongly restrict /phones in schools. /The law requires/ all public schools/ in Florida /to ban student cellphone use/ and block social media services /during class.
