誇大広告を超えて:Web3の真の可能性を解き放つ Beyond the Hype: Unleashing Web3’s True Potential
Beyond the Hype: Unleashing Web3’s True Potential
Shifting Focus from Speculation to Real-World Utility and Problem Solving
Published in Web3 Labs
May 18, 2023
There’s been speculation about the real-world utility of blockchain and web3 platforms for a long time, but it still has a long way to go.
There is an ever-growing number of people #BUILDing products and services using this technology, but outside of developers and speculators, we still don’t have a majority user base who are interested in the utility of the technology over the speculative side of this.
この技術を使用して製品やサービスを #構築する人の数は増え続けていますが 、開発者と投機家を除けば、このテクノロジの投機的な側面よりもテクノロジの効用に関心を持つユーザー ベースの過半数はまだ存在していません。
We know that there is a plethora of potential applications for web3 technologies from self-sovereign identity to collectables, but if you take a web3 community at random right now, the chances are they’re interested in seeing the price appreciation of some token or cryptocurrency.
自己主権アイデンティティから収集品に至るまで、Web3 テクノロジーには潜在的な用途が多数あることはわかっていますが、現時点で Web3 コミュニティを無作為に取り上げると、おそらく彼らは何らかのトークンまたは暗号通貨の価格上昇に興味を持っています。
This isn’t a bad thing per se, but it is reflective of where we are currently in the evolution of web3 — seeing some significant return on investment is still the primary use case.
Developers and technologists are generally attracted to web3 because there is so much that still needs to be built. The idea of greenfield development is what excites most developers — creating something new that solves a real problem.
But we need applications and projects being adopted at scale that do not contain a token-based incentive mechanism. Cryptocurrencies and tokens do serve some very real purposes, as a mechanism to secure decentralised networks they are essential, and it’s fair that those helping to secure these networks can see a return from providing this valuable service.
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