
生成AIはベビーブーマー世代にとって活況を呈しているGenerative AI is booming for Boomers

Generative AI is booming for Boomers

Steve Jones

Jun 21, 2023

Working with the folks at the Capgemini Research Institute is always fun, when we set up the surveys the intent is always to find things out rather than prove them. With the latest report on Consumer adoption of Generative AI that mindset has led to me losing a friendly wager. Because I was absolutely sure we’d see a generational divide with GenZ in particular being ahead of the game. This is because that is what we nearly always see with new technologies. Instead, what we saw is that actually adoption was pretty flat across all groups.

That is over 50% of the 10,000 people interviewed who have tried Generative AI tools, realistically in the 7 months since ChatGPT launched.
これは、ChatGPT の開始以来 7 か月間で、現実的には、インタビューを受けた 10,000 人のうち 50% 以上が生成 AI ツールを試したことになります。


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