



スクリーンショット 2021-05-11 6.20.32



スクリーンショット 2021-05-11 6.21.16

Memory - Weight
Is the mass/weight of the Earth changing? I heard it somewhere that the entire quantity of the substance in the universe is not changing. If the mass of the Earth is not changing that much from the beginning, the amount of substance that this planet consists of is also not chancing…? If so, within that limited amount of substance, the conditions and contents have been making lava, dinosaurs, or human beings…on the menu.
A person is born and going to die. After death, the body becomes ashes or decomposed into other substances, perhaps become part of air or water, and moves on.
It may not be a reincarnation but seems like a cycle. Death is not a termination but a change. From the human body into ashes or air, and one day the substance may form a human body with a consciousness.
Is there any weight in spirit? Our spiritual heart exists in our body, I feel, like 100%. Just being based on the weird hypothesis above, within the entity that was made by a limited amount of substances on this planet, the human body, there is a spirit. When we get fat, that means that our mass increases but it is still finite. Does that mean our spirit is also in limited size?

スクリーンショット 2021-05-11 6.20.39

The human spirit is physically limited…the happiness we can feel or the depth of sadness can be limited. It can be an optimistic view in some way. Joy and sorrowfulness are in limited frames then why not just take it easy with our lives…maybe there is a message like that…?
To exist as a finite presence in an infinite universe. If we can see this planet as a whole of the gigantic amount of mass, then we can see this the universe as one. But that 1 is made of an infinite-like number of substances. Finite or infinite, when it gets so big then the meaning of them becomes close to nothing, I feel like.
I said a lot but the mass of this planet may be changing a lot because of meteor strikes or sunshine…and more importantly, the depth of my love for Tarako spaghetti from Saizeriya is definitely not finite.

