
20代外科医. 好きな言葉: テラス, 品. 自分の中にある雑多な情報をシェアすること…


20代外科医. 好きな言葉: テラス, 品. 自分の中にある雑多な情報をシェアすることで, 読んでくださる皆様と一緒に学びに繋げることができたら嬉しいです. 全てフォローバックします.


【英語日記】初めてのゴルフ⛳️ I finally went to the golf course for the first time !

The day was to play golf on a course for the first time. I woke up at 5 am and took the train at 6am. You know? Golfer’s morning is early. I was picked up by my friends at another station at 7:30 and arrived at course at 9am. That course i

    • 【マニラ旅行】タクシーでマニラからタガイタイへ How to get the Tagaytay in Manila. 新しい仲間は70歳? May,2024

      [Introduction] 男2人で3泊4日でマニラに行きました。 フィリピンの首都マニラは観光業が栄えているという雰囲気はなく、現地の人の生活や格差社会を肌で感じローカルフードを食べた後に、少し手持ち無沙汰になったので、タガイタイという中心地から60km程離れた土地に行くことにしました。 タガイタイは東京にとっての軽井沢みたいな雰囲気で、避暑地というイメージです。 [The body of this article] タガイタイへはGil Puyat駅からバスが出ていま

      • 【英語日記#6】駅弁Ekiben ready to eat in 7m😋

        April 10,2024 I ate an ekiben on the Shinkansen. Ekiben is a boxed lunch eaten at train stations, with various types featuring local specialties from different prefectures. At Tokyo Station, there's a good ekiben shop called Matsuri. Th

        • 【英語日記#5】お前はオレには勝てねーよサルやろー! You can’t beat me!

          April 9, 2024 Sometimes, old quotes I used to use come to mind. One such quote was from Naruto, but I couldn't remember the scene. “You can’t beat me ,monkey!” “お前は俺には勝てねーよ猿やろー” Upon searching, I found out it was a quote Kakashi used du

        【英語日記】初めてのゴルフ⛳️ I finally went to the golf course for the first time !

          【英語日記#4】桜って最高だよね…奇跡を感じる Cherry blossom “Sakura”

          April 8,2024 Cherry blossoms “sakura” are Japan’s most famous symbol. I feel like I’ve grown up alongside them. Even my hometown’s name includes “sakura” and in early April the roads turn into pink tunnels. Since cherry blossoms bloom fro

          【英語日記#4】桜って最高だよね…奇跡を感じる Cherry blossom “Sakura”

          【英語日記#3】BUNNIESになった話 New jeans

          April 7,2024 Do you know about New Jeans? They’re a five-member K-pop girl group. They’re cute, beautiful, fairy-like, and they fascinate people worldwide, including me. I love them for their addictive songs with sharp dance moves. Their f

          【英語日記#3】BUNNIESになった話 New jeans

          【英語日記#2】どっちの道でも大丈夫です! Either way is fine.

          April 6, 2024 When I arrived at Kyoto station, there were many many foreigners for sightseeing. Among them, the tourists from China were looked worried and anxious, so I tried to ask them. Me “Hey, May I help you?” She “Oh…(She could not s

          【英語日記#2】どっちの道でも大丈夫です! Either way is fine.

          【英語日記#1】【初投稿】医師5年目になった! New fiscal year @my first post

          【英語日記#1】【初投稿】医師5年目になった New fiscal year @my first post April 5, 2024 The new fiscal year has begun. This is my fifth year as a clinical practitioner and my third year as a surgeon. When I started my career, I imagined myself to be a skille

          【英語日記#1】【初投稿】医師5年目になった! New fiscal year @my first post