
【英語日記#2】どっちの道でも大丈夫です! Either way is fine.

April 6, 2024

When I arrived at Kyoto station,
there were many many foreigners for sightseeing.
Among them, the tourists from China were looked worried and anxious, so I tried to ask them.
Me “Hey, May I help you?”
She “Oh…(She could not speak English)
Hmmm (she wondered which way to the Shinkansen station)
Me “Both way is ok, all right. (With gestures)
She “Thank you so much”
Me “No problem”
The correct sentence was “Both ways are ok” . Verb conjugations always confuse me. However, I realized the power of gestures in communication :)


Both ways are ok.
Anything is fine. (more than 3 things)
Either way is fine.
Either way works.
Both sound good.

○新しい単語 new words
Voyeurism n 盗撮
Creep n 盗撮(スラング)
Perplex v 当惑する
conjugation n 動詞の活用,変化

○初版 First edition
When I arrived at Kyoto station,
there were many many foreigners for sightseeing.
The visitors from China were looked worry and anxious, so I tried to talk with them.
Me “Hey, May I help you?”
She “Oh…(She could not speak English)
Hmmm (she wonder which ways are for Shinkansen station)
Me “Both way is ok, all right. (With gestures)
She “Thank you so much”
Me “No problem”
The correct sentence was “Both ways are ok”  Verb changing is confusing me and
gestures are powerful :)

Thank you for reading my diary :)
