
My Fanciful Story 私の空想物語  Heaven Knows I'm miserable now

#ロック #THESMITHS #文学青年 #IMAGINATION #ALICE #イマジネーション #音楽的 #ダンス #昔の曲

こういう自問的テーマを考えながら、今回、昔の曲を書き起こし、リライトして、レコーディングして、ミックスをして、All these シリーズを作っていった。



*不思議の国のアリス Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


音楽的にも、オールドスクールロックやパンクのように3コードだけだったのが、循環コードとかわかってきたり、ザ・スミスのジョニー マーが




Heaven knows miserable nowは、本当に私の音楽を変え、影響を受けた!

モリッシーのクネクネしたダンスもそうだけど、歌詞の中身が文学青年にはたまらない、まさにブリッツだった。The Smiths論は、また別の機会に。





My Fanciful Story or My fantasy story
Which's gonna win if the imagination of the teenager and the imagination of now battle?
Do the ideas and inspiration of creatives from the same person decline when they get older?
While I was working on making this "all these years I've been' series,
wrote up an old song, rewrite it, record it, mix it up...
I was thinking about such a self-asking theme.

It used to be prolific in the past.
I often read books,
I saw movies
and played guitar every day.

This song inspired by the story that Alice traveled in the peculiar world.
Musically I only knew 3 codes like old school rock and punk.

After getting to know circulation code,
The Smiths 's Johnny Mar jangling with Major 7 and Sus code usage,
my song drastically changed!

'Heaven knows miserable now' has truly changed my music and was influenced!
Morrissey's cheesecake dance is also true,

but the contents of the lyrics are exactly blitz for literary adolescents.
(↑I don't know my translation app is right about what I mean?)
I will talk about The Smiths another time.
Alice 's story is always in my head and sometimes comes out in my dreams.
This strange story also appears commonly n stories of novels and picture books I write "The secret of cherry roses".

It seems that it is waiting for the door which leads to my fantasize full story to open quietly.



My Fanciful Story

Wow ~ Wow Wow
Oh She went out so far away and she’s got one spare room for the pool of tears.
Now I don’t smoke cos Smoke makes ash. All turns gray and acting miserably.
Ho ho hold on I holds on her suitcase. Spinout my head said by Orange hare.
I hope I pray someday soon the Rabbit help me to get out of here.
Homebound express on the way.

Oh My Fanciful Story, Just like Alice’s story
Wonderland and Glory. Just like your wonderful story.

When I was a little boy, everybody said to me. You look so old like one in Vanity Fair.
I don’t wanna see no, see no evil and the serious moon at night.
They have got the pocketful of jokes
Golden afternoon at the queen’s croquet-garden all hearts made a line.
Through the looking-glass I see you. Holy oh but don’t play the game they do.

Oh My Fanciful Story, Just like Alice’s story
Wonderland and Glory. Just like your wonderful story.

#ルイスキャロル #不思議の国のアリス  
