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A few months into this year, I decided to wear proper makeup.

I've always had sensitive skin, so I’ve been exploring various skincare products over the years. However, despite being interested in trying makeup, there was a part of me that had felt reluctant.

"Men don't wear makeup."
"It's embarrassing enough if people find out I use skincare, let alone makeup."

Looking back, I realize I had internalized these gender stereotypes.

After becoming a teacher last year, I figured it was a good idea to wear some basic makeup. "I interact with students everyday, so maybe I should look more presentable."

I started by buying BB cream for men and incorporated it into my daily morning routine. I soon noticed how I would feel more confident and good about myself whenever I wore my BB cream.

At the same time, I also came across new frustrations. All was well in the morning, but as the day went on, the makeup would rub off onto my mask and my sweat would remove large portions of the BB cream.

I related in some ways to the frustrations many women felt working in this day and age.

When I changed jobs earlier this year, I no longer felt the need to wear makeup. But instead of wanting to quit, I discovered a new-found interest in the world of cosmetics.
I initially searched for YouTube videos on makeup for guys but quickly found it silly to create gender barriers for myself. So, I began watching female makeup channels.

As I delved deeper into makeup and cosmetics, there were more and more fun and interesting things to learn. It was like I had unlocked the door to a new magical world. For instance, I had no idea that using highlights and shadows can drastically change the way you look, how a palette of eyeshadow can brighten your eyes, or how you can use blush and shading to even tweak your facial structure.
I was genuinely mind-blown by how much depth and nuance there was to makeup.

Another fun discovery I made in the process was the similarities with my love for photography.
I'm sure there are many who get into photography for their love of cameras. But I wasn't so interested in the gear as much as in the aspect of editing. I used to edit photos taken exclusively on my phone, and in college I much preferred learning how to edit videos than learning how to operate cameras and microphones. It was when I wanted to expand the capabilities of my editing that I picked up my first camera.

Through editing, you can enhance certain colors, lighting, or composition of an image. You can also correct and smooth out any blemishes, and you can even recover an image you thought was unusable. But more fascinating than any of this, even if you take the same photo, one person's edit can look completely different from another's. And even if the same person edits the same photo, if the audience or the purpose changes, the final edit can be something entirely new. I can always learn something new when I see other photographers' works or when I look back on how my own editing style has changed. Editing holds a special place in my heart as its own artform whereby I can uniquely express myself and find new inspiration.

So you can imagine the light bulb moment when I felt something similar in makeup.
Makeup can, of course, hide blemishes on your skin and brighten and liven up your face. But if that was all it was for, I probably wouldn't care so much. I could just use BB cream and basic cosmetics when the need arises. Thing is, I realized makeup can be more than that. To me, it's become another avenue for me to express my individuality and to receive new inspiration.

But while I was enchanted by everything great about makeup, I simultaneously noticed the inequalities surrounding it, too.

I enjoy makeup, but I don't wear it everyday and there are times when it's a pain. It takes up time and costs a decent amount of money. You have to clean and maintain your brushes, and additional care is required for your skin.

However, being an average male individual, makeup is 100% optional for me. Even on a formal occasion, I am not expected to wear anything. Additionally, as a guy, I don't need to worry about society judging my worth based on my appearance. As such, I don't feel peer pressure or FOMO over wearing makeup.

I realized that makeup is fun for me because it is purely optional and a personal choice. I don't have to live up to societal expectations and I can enjoy it for myself.

If makeup was something that was required or restricted, I’m pretty certain I would find it stressful. And if the requirements and restrictions were being decided by people who have never in their lives worn makeup, I would be both exasperated and angered by how absurd that was.

The right to decide when, where, and how you wear makeup should belong to no one but yourself. Generally speaking, men seem to have that freedom of choice but women don't have it as much if at all. Now anyone who says that isn't discrimination is being ridiculous.

I believe a healthy society is a society that gives every individual, regardless of gender, the freedom of choice to wear or not wear makeup, as well as what kind of makeup and how much makeup to wear.

Gender inequality is obviously not limited to the realm of makeup. But I wanted to talk specifically about this today because it's an area of inequality I had been almost completely oblivious to and only recently started to see.

I started makeup simply because I wanted to, and I intend to keep wearing makeup as long as my interest lasts. But I don't want this to be “just another fun thing.” I want to take this opportunity to better understand the feelings of both joy and stress that many women experience regarding makeup but many men don't realize.