
The Hectic Crow


The Crow was a hard worker and in charge of the class leader, the gym stuff and so on in his school. 


The teacher warned his students in the class for the beginning of the winter.

"Lovely students! Nowadays, many tend to catch a flu, so that you should take care of yourself by gargling and living decently for the prevention!"


Students responded cheerfully. 


Also, the Crow tried to have an orderly lifestyle and gargled after he went outside.


However, he was too busy with his work such as making a document for the class leader-council, setting up the rule for the sport competition as a gym stuff and suggesting the plan for the encouragement of reading books as a library stuff and so on.

Moreover, he had to practice the piano for the piano concert, make the art for the picture contest, prepare for the tests in the cram school and so on, so that he was anyway hectic.

That's the way he caught the flu eventually. Yet, he could not stop working because he thought that if he had a rest time, it would be a nuisance for everyone.


In school, other students spoke ill of him, seeing him who seemed to be sick.

"Crow may have caught a flu because of his idleness. He must have been skipping gargling and living a decent life!

"What? How idiot he is! He had better not have been sitting up late. He is careless."

When the Crow heard this, he felt like to cry.


At this time, the Tortoise and the Elephant that belong to the same committee to the Crow came to him.

"Hi! Crow! Oh dear. I  know you are a hard worker and take bothersome tasks which everyone doesn't want to do. So you become sick."

"Crow, you should leave the school early, I think. Thank you for your dedicated work every day. Please have enough rest time and leave them to us!"

The crow was impressed with them that say him like that. 


And then, he made it a rule to do activity in the range he could do and had sufficient  rest time.


The crow assumed that he must not have been infected with the flu being different from others. This is applied to the “Optimism Bias” which is the tendency that people see as low for themselves the possibility to be victims of crimes, diseases, catastrophes and so on comparing to others who are in same positions like gender, age and so on. 

Also, to the crow who was sick, the other children thought it was the retribution caused by unfavorable habits or carelessness. This can be the “Victim Blaming” based on the “Just-World Fallacy”. “Just-World Fallacy” is that people have the belief that the world is justice in order to protect their peace of mind. Thus, they reject something which run counter to the justified world like that there are people who are talented but live poor and assail certain victims that those victims may have shortage or responsibilities to lead to the bad consequences or destinies, which is called “Victim Blaming”. This will be a big factor for victims who suffer from disasters or sickness to have mental disorder. 

Moreover, if the children who spoke ill of the crow get sick and blame it to the environment surrounding them like due to the hard schedules, it is equivalent to the “Actor–Observer Bias”. This is a tendency that people consider the influence of situations when they are actors and they think about their reason for their unfavorable consequences, and on the other hand, they ley emphasis on characters or skills, when they as observers think about the reason for other’s unlikable results.

Reference: “Optimism Bias”

“Just-World Fallacy” 

“Victim Blaming”

“Actor–Observer Bias”
