GrandJury Summary 大陪審 要約 ”シティ”(2)

GrandJury Summary 大陪審 要約 ”シティ”(2)


The history academic at Georgetown University, Carroll Quigley, former tutor of Bill Clinton, wrote in his book, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, that there have been four industrial revolutions.
Yes, that familiar language coming from the World Economic Forum was being written about in the 1960s already by Quigley.
The perspective which is being assumed here is that of who owns the population, first in Britain and then in the British Empire.
• First revolution: the ownership of land, of agricultural means provides wealth
• Second revolution: mechanical - industrial
• Third revolution: in which financial capital dominates the world
It's from this period around 1870 onwards that the smart money in the City of London realizes that even that bubble is going to burst.
The most efficient way to own the world in the future, will be to own the minds.
That is the fourth industrial revolution.
Both the British and the German elite were determined to achieve world domination, both industrially and in the mind space.
The City of London’s trading model emphasized the importance of controlling, not just military force or physical assets anymore, but the minds of people now known as human resources.
This is why science fiction starts speaking about ownership of man’s genetic makeup from this time.
The City of London and Britain’s very wealthy soft power institutions continue to regard that battle for the mind as their top priority for world domination, and they regard health as a subsector of that battle.
The British elite regard themselves still as the world’s leading power in mind space.
The strategy taught in boarding schools, universities or officer training of intelligence agencies is very much the credo of the leading bloodlines of elite families that run the City of London. And it is the modus operandi of the Anglo-American tax exempt foundations and of the thinktanks such as Chatham House, above all, which push the agendas of those bloodlines upon the Western governments.


ジョージタウン大学の歴史学者で、ビル・クリントンの元家庭教師でもあったキャロル・クイグリーは、その著書『Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time(悲劇と希望:現代の世界史)』の中で、4つの産業革命があったと書いている。

  • 第一革命:土地の所有、農業手段の所有が富をもたらす。

  • 第二革命:機械産業

  • 第三革命:金融資本が世界を支配する



A key figure from the year 1870 is that of John Ruskin, seemingly an innocuous figure because he was the first professor of art at Oxford, but he brought the doctrine that the British elite really had a duty to export its own world view to the rest of the world.
And his key student whom he inspired was Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy in Southern Africa.
Cecil Rhodes wrote secret diaries and formed secret societies.
In 1891, after 16 years of planning, his main secret society was formed – the Rhodes Scholarships are part of that society.
Oxford members of the Rhodes network were the likes of Lord Toynbee and Lord Milner, well-known geo- strategists.
In Cambridge there was the future Foreign Secretary, Lord Grey and Lord Esher.
In London there was the leading journalist at the time, W.T. Stead, and initiates and members of 10 the Executive Committee of Cecil Rhodes were the above-named men, plus Lord Rothschild.
After Rhodes’ death in 1902, other leading English bloodlines that repeatedly plagued the City of London history, such as the Astors, came into the same circle.
The outer circle became known as the Round Table Group, still functioning in the United States and seven other countries, set up from 1909 onwards.
This group regarded the success of the Canadian Federation, 1867, as its leading case study.
Canada was effectively politically unified.
In order to prevent there being a spread of different views, different English-speaking democracies in the world, they must instead all be traced back to the City of London’s control.
This is very contemporary too because among the many Rhodes scholars that dominate world politics and push the world towards globalism are Bill Clinton and, from the World Economic Forum, the New Zealand Lady Professor Ngaire Woods, who this year became very well known for her saying at the WEF that the elite can do beautiful things if they come together and if the people of the world simply accept that they are in the lead.
This vision did not remain the ravings of a particularly wealthy Englishman, but they nativized themselves in the United States in the so-called Eastern Establishment, the Eastern Seaboard, as the United States became the world’s dominant power.
The key testimony on this is that of Norman Dodd, given shortly before his death in 1982 to G. Edward Griffin, easily found online as Norman Dodd on the tax-exempt foundations.
Dodd was the key staffer for Reese, the congressman from East Tennessee, who in the 1950s on behalf of Congress carried out an investigation into the effect of these tax- exempt foundations in the United States.
These foundations implemented the City of London’s and Cecil Rhodes’ vision for world domination.
It is not enough to be by far the world’s greatest military and economic power.
If your mind space is still controlled by the unexamined assumption that everyone at the top is paid up to liberty, then a club with self-interest is still going to run the world.
And even in areas such as healthcare, which Britain first socialized in 1948, you’re going to find that people wrongly and blithely assume that their best interests are kept at heart.

The offshoot of the City of London in Manhattan in Wall Street funded both sides of both world wars.
Serious academics such as Anthony Sutton, who was at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University in California, have written whole books about this entitled Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. There was a whole trail of documents which was recovered by Anthony Sutton.
It cost him his tenure at Stanford.
What he found was that both the Soviet Union and the Third Reich were brought into being for the interests of the City of London and more particularly, its Wall Street end.
Just one example of the total reach of British intelligence in areas which is not constitutionally able or permitted to have, is that MI5, even before the Second World War, was vetting who got onto the airwaves of the BBC, who got promoted and who got transferred.
It was set up by the bloodlines to further their private aims.
The British Cabinet Office is openly speaking about its control of the world’s thinking and the thinking of the British people.
They’re labelling parts of the brain under the label of MINDSPACE.
Their document says: “Even if people agree with the behavior goal, they may object to the means of accomplishing it.
The different MINDSPACE effects will attract different levels of controversy.
There are several factors that determine controversy.”





"The goal is therefore to make sure that citizens don't fully realize that their behavior is being changed, or at least how it is being changed."
"Clearly, this opens government up to charges of manipulation.
People have a strong dislike of being tricked.
This dislike has a psychological grounding, but fundamentally it is an issue of trust in government.
A lack of conscious control also has implications for consent and freedom of choice.
First, it creates a greater need for citizens to approve the use of the behavior change, perhaps using new forms of Democratic engagement."
In this model, democracy is the highest good that’s sold, but the levers of manipulating democracy are in the hands of the cartel.
Reiner Fuellmich: Is it correct that the City of London is the real powerhouse in the UK?
Alex Thomson: Without any doubt.
This is something that if you’ve had my background, you learn at boarding school, let alone at university.
And by the time you get into the civil service, there is a lot of eyerolling if you ever suggest that the people of Britain, or any other country in the Commonwealth, have self-determination.
The City of London is understood to own the population, body, mind and soul.
Reiner Fuellmich: Ultimately, it’s the control of the people’s mind that the City of London really wanted, to further their goal of world domination.
Is that correct?
Alex Thomson: Yes.
Reiner Fuellmich: So ultimately what we’re seeing is a very powerful institution – City of London – which bridges the Atlantic because as its fifth column they have Wall Street.
Those two powers united are the center of power in this world.
Alex Thomson: There are struggles.
For a long time there was the completely nontrivial Cold War, with branches of the aristocracy in the City of London being both pro- and anti-Soviet Union.
I could talk for hours just about that. But that is secondary to the determination that there must be only a German block and a Russian block in Eurasia, and that both of these ultimately must be controlled and hemmed in by British or Anglo-American sea power and Anglo-American soft power setting the paradigms for them.
Reiner Fuellmich: Another thing that I wanted to clarify is, you mentioned that it is just a few families who really run the City of London. You mentioned the names of Rothschild and Rhodes and Astor. Is it true that it’s just a few families who are trying to dominate the world through the City of London?
Alex Thomson: Yes. I have never found better material than that of a writing duo which is Dutch/ German-American. The Dutchman is Robin de Ruiter. His American German co-author is Fritz Springmeier from South Carolina. They have the ather shocking book titled Bloodlines of the Illuminati. But their work is solid.
They consistently show that the City of London,
Manhattan, the European continent, are very much dominated by a small number of families.
Often 13 is given as the top level of these families. Obviously, there are levels below that. The French, for example, often spoke about “les 200 familles,” the 200 bloodlines, that run the deep state. But the senior ones terrorize the junior ones, and the highest you can get up before you disappear into nebulous claims of Satan running the world, which ultimately, I believe he does.
But the highest level you can get up to is a level at which Central European Germanic bloodlines have an uneasy truce with British Isles bloodlines, most of whom are now based in the United States.
Reiner Fuellmich: And one of the major means through which these very few families are trying to dominate the rest of the world, seems to be through mind space, which sounds like mind control. Does that mean through psychological operations?
Alex Thomson: Very much so. No nation got into the game of psychological operations earlier than Britain. As soon as there were formal intelligence agencies in Britain in the Edwardian era, just before the First World War, it was a major concentration. But they borrowed a lot of their insights from Vienna and from Germany, which were leading in the psychological space at the time.
This is a transnational interest in both the Anglo and the Germanic areas of world domination at the time, to use the tricks of mind space.
And these were largely perfected when America had unchallenged Germany after 1945, using a lot of the Third Reich and Soviet minds who were actually brought over to the United States surreptitiously during Operation Paperclip.
Mind control has been regarded - since the days of Edward Bernays and Freud - as the most powerful way of controlling action in the real world.
If you have that power, you control people who are more numerous, more intelligent and stronger than yourself.


ライナー・フエルミッチ:  ロンドン・シティが英国の真の実力者ということでよろしいでしょうか?

アレックス・トムソン:  間違いありません。

ライナー・フエルミッチ:  結局のところ、ロンドン・シティが本当に望んでいたのは、世界征服という目標を推進するために、国民の心を支配することだった。

アレックス・トムソン: そうです。

ライナー・フエルミッチ: つまり、最終的に我々が目にしているのは、非常に強力な機関であるロンドン・シティが大西洋に架け橋をかけ、その第五列としてウォール街を擁しているということです。

アレックス・トムソン: 争いはあります。

ライナー・フエルミッチ: もうひとつはっきりさせておきたいのは、ロンドン・シティを実際に動かしているのはごく少数のファミリーだということです。あなたはロスチャイルドローズアスターの名前を挙げました。シティ・オブ・ロンドンを通して世界を支配しようとしているのは、ほんの数家族だというのは本当ですか?

アレックス・トムソン :そうです。オランダ人とドイツ系アメリカ人の二人組の執筆ほどいい材料はありません。オランダ人はロビン・デ・ロイター。共著者のアメリカ人ドイツ人はサウスカロライナ州出身のフリッツ・スプリングマイヤー。彼らには『イルミナティの血統』というショッキングながある。しかし、彼らの仕事は堅実だ。
多くの場合、これらのファミリーのトップレベルとして13が挙げられている。もちろん、それ以下のレベルもある。たとえばフランスでは、ディープ・ステートを牛耳る200の血族、"les 200 familles "についてよく語られる。サタンが世界を牛耳っているという漠然とした主張の中に消えてしまう前に、最高位に上り詰めることができる。

ライナー・フエルミッチ: そして、これらのごく少数の家系が世界を支配しようとしている主要な手段のひとつは、マインド・スペース、つまりマインド・コントロールのようです。心理作戦ということですか?

アレックス・トムソン: そうです。イギリスほど早く心理作戦に乗り出した国はありません。第一次世界大戦直前のエドワード朝時代、英国に正式な諜報機関が設立されるやいなや、それは大きな集中力を持つようになった。しかし彼らは、当時心理作戦の分野でリードしていたウィーンやドイツから多くの見識を借りた。


Reiner Fuellmich: Did I hear correctly that you used the term livestock? Is that really the view that these people have of the rest of the world?
Alex Thomson: It is explicitly the view that, certainly in the 1990s when I was at a senior British boarding school, this term was used by the grandsons of City of London seniors.
They used the word 'livestock' to describe the British population.
They are considered cattle and do not deserve a place in the world other than under the direction of the British elite.

Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt: So, you will agree that financial dominance is at the core of the Covid-19 pandemic?

Alex Thomson: Yes, I would, and I would qualify it very slightly by reminding you that in Carroll Quigley’s summary of the Anglo-American elite establishment’s worldview, he points out that the 15 ownership of financial assets is already utdated by the 1960s.
And he knows that the great brains, not necessarily the good brains, a century prior to him already saw this coming.
They regard the real wealth as human minds and health and the ability to alter and copyright, in time, the human being into a new model that would behave as expected.

Ana Garner: You mention copyrighting the human mind, copyrighting even the genetics.
Do you feel that there is a link between the current so-called vaccines – the shots from Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca – and this goal of copyrighting the humans?
Alex Thomson: I very strongly believe that. I’m not medically or biotechnologically qualified to explain how much truth there may be in this, but I’ve seen time and again that where there is hype and where there is a pseudo theological belief among the elite in Britain and America that you can achieve a certain aim by pulling a certain trick - such as by editing a gene and stamping a copyright on the human body - that is enough motivation in and of itself to fuel a serious attempt to go that way.
The very heart of it is the idea that genetic editing will allow the copyrighting of the number of souls and bodies in humanity that are affected, so that they’re no longer under the Creator.


ライナー・フエルミッチ: 家畜という言葉を使ったと聞いたが正しいか?それは本当にこの人たちが世界に対して抱いている見方なのでしょうか?

アレックス・トムソン: 1990年代、私がイギリスの寄宿制のシニアスクールにいたとき、ロンドン市立のシニアスクールの孫たちがこの言葉を使った。

デクスター・L・J ライネヴェルト:では、金融支配がCovid-19パンデミックの核心であることに同意するのですね?

アレックス・トムソン: キャロル・クイグリーの英米エリート組織の世界観の要約の中で、彼は金融資産の15の所有権が1960年代にはすでに時代遅れになっていることを指摘している。


アレックス・トムソン: 私はそう強く信じています。私は医学的にもバイオテクノロジー的にも、このことにどれほどの真実があるのかを説明する資格はありませんが、誇大宣伝が行われ、英米のエリートたちの間に、遺伝子を編集して人体に著作権を刻印するなど、あるトリックを使えばある目的を達成できるという疑似神学的な信念が存在する場合、それ自体が、そのような方向に進もうとする真剣な試みに拍車をかけるのに十分な動機となることを、私は何度も目にしてきました。
