
リベカのアドベント -10日目-




Let’s talk about Rebecca’s father and mother again today.
The two always pray to God. Let’s listen to what they are praying.

“Gracious heavenly father, we praise your name. We thank you for giving our family this new day. Today is a blizzard, and we pray that you will protect Rebecca on her way to school. Please send your Holy Spirit to protect the livelihood of our family. We are living in difficult times. Please continue to protect us financially. We thank you that you are here protecting our family. Yesterday, you game me the opportunity to attach the doorknob at church. I am grateful that you directly gave me this work of service. We pray that the doorknob would be used for your glory.
Lord, we pray that you would again protect us this day.
We pray in the name of our beloved savior Jesus Christ, Amen.”


作:石川 葉 絵:石崎 幸恵 訳:Andy Carrico 英訳編集:Rey DeBoer

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