















・数字と記号(18:00〜16:00 etc...)








AM /PMの表示が好きという方は、「1pm-3pm」みたいな表示にもできる♪


スクリーンショット 2021-06-22 午後3.17.54


date (英語)
時間帯 (日本語)








手順1 theme.liquidにJqueryのタグ入れる(日付編)



{{ '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.3/jquery.min.js' | script_tag }}



手順2 Snipetで新規ファイル作成する(日付編)


  {{ '//code.jquery.com/ui/1.9.2/themes/base/jquery-ui.css' | stylesheet_tag }}
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js" defer="defer"></script>

 <div style="width:300px; clear:both;">
     <label for="date">Pick a delivery date:</label>
     <input id="date" type="text" name="attributes[date]" value="{{ cart.attributes.date }}" />
     <span style="display:block" class="instructions"> We do not deliver during the week-end.</span>

   window.onload = function() {
     if (window.jQuery) {
       let $ = window.jQuery;

       $(function() {
           minDate: +1, 
           maxDate: '+2M',
           beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends


  {{ '//code.jquery.com/ui/1.9.2/themes/base/jquery-ui.css' | stylesheet_tag }}
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js" defer="defer"></script>

 <div style="clear:both;">
     <label for="date">ご希望のお届け日:</label>
     <input id="date" type="text" name="attributes[配達希望日]" value="{{ cart.attributes.date }}" placeholder="指定なし" />

   window.onload = function() {
     if (window.jQuery) {
       let $ = window.jQuery;

       $(function() {
           dateFormat: 'yy/mm/dd (DD)',
           yearSuffix: '年',
           showMonthAfterYear: true,
           monthNames: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
           dayNames: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'],
           dayNamesMin: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'],
           minDate: +1, 
           maxDate: '+2M',
           beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends


beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends


   window.onload = function() {
     if (window.jQuery) {
       let $ = window.jQuery;

       $(function() {
           dateFormat: 'yy/mm/dd (DD)',
           yearSuffix: '年',
           showMonthAfterYear: true,
           monthNames: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
           dayNames: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'],
           dayNamesMin: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'],
           minDate: +1, 
           maxDate: '+2M'

手順3 後は手順2のファイルをカートページに挿入するだけ(日付編)


{% render 'delivery-date' %}

※render の後ろの「’’」内は手順2のファイル名






手順1’  好きな時間帯を設定できるブロック追加の設定(時間帯編)




"max_blocks": 20,
"blocks": [
       "type": "select",
       "name": "時間帯",
       "settings": [
         "id": "time",
         "type": "text",
         "label": "時間帯",
         "default": "指定なし"


{% schema %}
 "name": {
   "cs": "Stránka košíku",
   "da": "Side med indkøbskurv",
   "de": "Warenkorb-Seite",
   "en": "Cart page",
   "es": "Página del carrito",
   "fi": "Ostoskorisivu",
   "fr": "Page du panier",
   "it": "Pagina del carrello",
   "ja": "カートページ",
   "ko": "카트 페이지",
   "nb": "Handlekurvside",
   "nl": "Winkelwagenpagina",
   "pl": "Strona koszyka",
   "pt-BR": "Página do carrinho",
   "pt-PT": "Página do carrinho",
   "sv": "Varukorgssida",
   "th": "หน้าตะกร้าสินค้า",
   "tr": "Sepet sayfası",
   "vi": "Trang giỏ hàng",
   "zh-CN": "购物车页面",
   "zh-TW": "購物車頁面"
 "max_blocks": 20,
 "settings": [
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_ajax_enable",
     "label": {
       "cs": "Povolit automatické aktualizace košíku",
       "da": "Aktivér automatisk opdatering af indkøbskurv",
       "de": "Automatische Warenkorbaktualisierungen aktivieren",
       "en": "Enable automatic cart updates",
       "es": "Habilitar las actualizaciones automáticas del carrito",
       "fi": "Ota automaattinen ostoskorin päivitykset käyttöön",
       "fr": "Activer les mises à jour automatiques",
       "it": "Abilita aggiornamenti automatici carrello",
       "ja": "自動カートの更新を有効にする",
       "ko": "자동 카트 업데이트 활성화하기",
       "nb": "Aktiver automatiske oppdateringer av handlekurven",
       "nl": "Automatische winkelwagen-updates inschakelen",
       "pl": "Włącz automatyczne aktualizacje koszyka",
       "pt-BR": "Permitir atualizações automáticas do carrinho",
       "pt-PT": "Ativar atualizações automáticas do carrinho",
       "sv": "Aktivera automatiska uppdateringar av varukorgen",
       "th": "เปิดใช้การอัปเดตตะกร้าสินค้าอัตโนมัติ",
       "tr": "Otomatik sepet güncellemelerini etkinleştir",
       "vi": "Bật cập nhật giỏ hàng tự động",
       "zh-CN": "启用购物车自动更新功能",
       "zh-TW": "啟用自動更新購物車"
     "info": {
       "cs": "Aktualizuje košík hned, jak zákazník provede změny.",
       "da": "Opdaterer indkøbskurven, så snart kunden foretager ændringer",
       "de": "Aktualisiert den Warenkorb, sobald Kundenänderungen vorgenommen werden",
       "en": "Updates the cart as soon as customer changes are made",
       "es": "Actualiza el carrito tan pronto como el cliente realice cambios",
       "fi": "Päivittää ostoskorin heti, kun asiakkaan muutokset on tehty",
       "fr": "Mise à jour du panier dès que les modifications apportées aux clients ont été effectuées",
       "it": "Aggiorna il carrello appena il cliente apporta le modifiche",
       "ja": "お客様が変更されるとすぐにカートを更新します",
       "ko": "고객 변경 시 카트를 업데이트합니다.",
       "nb": "Oppdaterer handlekurven så snart kundens endringer er gjort",
       "nl": "De winkelwagen wordt bijgewerkt zodra de klant wijzigingen aanbrengt",
       "pl": "Aktualizuje koszyk, gdy tylko wprowadzone zostaną zmiany u klienta",
       "pt-BR": "Atualiza o carrinho assim que o cliente faz alterações",
       "pt-PT": "Atualiza o carrinho assim que o cliente faz alterações",
       "sv": "Uppdaterar varukorgen så snart kundändringar görs",
       "th": "อัปเดตตะกร้าสินค้าเมื่อลูกค้าได้ทำการเปลี่ยนแปลง",
       "tr": "Müşteri değişiklikleri yapıldıktan sonra sepet güncellenir",
       "vi": "Cập nhật giỏ hàng ngay khi khách hàng thay đổi",
       "zh-CN": "客户做出更改后立即更新购物车",
       "zh-TW": "在顧客進行變更時立即更新購物車"
     "default": true
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_notes_enable",
     "label": {
       "cs": "Povolit poznámky ke košíku",
       "da": "Aktivér bemærkninger til indkøbskurv",
       "de": "Warenkorbanmerkungen erlauben",
       "en": "Enable cart notes",
       "es": "Habilitar notas del carrito",
       "fi": "Ota tilauskommentit käyttöön",
       "fr": "Activer les notes de panier",
       "it": "Abilita note carrello",
       "ja": "カートメモを有効にする",
       "ko": "카트 참고 사항 사용",
       "nb": "Aktiver handlekurvmerknader",
       "nl": "Opmerkingen voor winkelwagen inschakelen",
       "pl": "Włącz uwagi dotyczące koszyka",
       "pt-BR": "Habilitar observações do carrinho",
       "pt-PT": "Ativar notas do carrinho",
       "sv": "Aktivera varukorgsmeddelanden",
       "th": "เปิดใช้หมายเหตุสำหรับตะกร้าสินค้า",
       "tr": "Sepet notlarını etkinleştir",
       "vi": "Bật ghi chú trong giỏ hàng",
       "zh-CN": "启用购物车备注",
       "zh-TW": "啟用購物車備註"
     "default": false
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_date_enable",
     "label": {
       "en": "Enable Date Picker",
       "ja": "配達日指定を有効にする"
     "default": true
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_time_enable",
     "label": {
       "en": "Enable Time Picker",
       "ja": "時間帯指定を有効にする"
     "default": true
 "blocks": [
       "type": "select",
       "name": "時間帯",
       "settings": [
         "id": "time",
         "type": "text",
         "label": "時間帯",
         "default": "指定なし"
{% endschema %}



手順2’  ブロック追加してプルダウンに反映させる(時間帯編)


<select id="deliverly-time" name="attributes[時間帯]">
    {% for block in section.blocks %}
       <option value="{{ block.settings.time }}">{{ block.settings.time }}</option>
    {% endfor %}





<div class="page-width" data-section-id="{{ section.id }}" data-section-type="cart-template" data-ajax-enabled="{{ section.settings.cart_ajax_enable }}">

 <div {% if cart.item_count == 0 %}class="hide" {% endif %}data-cart-wrapper>
   <div class="cart-header">
     <h1 class="cart-header__title">{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h1>
     <a href="{{ routes.all_products_collection_url }}" class="text-link text-link--accent">
       {{ 'cart.general.continue_shopping' | t }}

   <form action="{{ routes.cart_url }}" method="post" novalidate class="cart">
       <thead class="cart__row cart__row--heading">
         <th scope="col">{{ 'cart.label.product' | t }}</th>
         <th class="text-right" scope="col">{{ 'cart.label.price' | t }}</th>
         <th class="text-right small--hide" scope="col">{{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }}</th>
         <th class="text-right small--hide" scope="col">{{ 'cart.label.total' | t }}</th>
       <tbody data-cart-line-items>
         {%- for item in cart.items -%}
           <tr class="cart__row" data-cart-item data-cart-item-key="{{ item.key }}" data-cart-item-url="{{ item.url }}" data-cart-item-title="{{ item.title }}" data-cart-item-index="{{ forloop.index }}" data-cart-item-quantity="{{ item.quantity }}">
             <td class="cart__meta small--text-left" data-cart-table-cell>
               <div class="cart__product-information">
                 <div class="cart__image-wrapper">
                   <img class="cart__image{% if item.image == null %} hide{% endif %}" src="{{ item | img_url: 'x190' }}" alt="{{ item.image.alt | escape }}" data-cart-item-image>
                   <div class="list-view-item__title">
                     <a href="{{ item.url }}" class="cart__product-title" data-cart-item-title data-role="product-title">
                       {{ item.product.title }}

                   {%- assign variant_options = 'template ' | split: ' ' -%}
                   {%- if item.product.has_only_default_variant != true -%}
                     {%- assign variant_options = item.options_with_values -%}
                   {%- endif -%}
                   {%- assign property_size = item.properties | size -%}

                   <ul class="product-details{% if item.product.has_only_default_variant and property_size == 0 and item.selling_plan_allocation == nil %} hide{% endif %}" data-cart-item-details aria-label="{{ 'cart.label.product_details' | t }}">
                     {%- for option in variant_options -%}
                       <li class="product-details__item product-details__item--variant-option{% if item.product.has_only_default_variant %} hide{% endif %}" data-cart-item-option>{{ option.name }}: {{ option.value }}</li>
                     {%- endfor -%}

                       class="product-details__item product-details__item--property
                       {% if item.selling_plan_allocation == empty %} hide {% endif %}"
                       {{ item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }}

                     {%- comment -%}
                       Optional, loop through custom product line items if available

                       Line item properties come in as having two parts. The first part will be passed with the default form,
                       but p.last is the actual custom property and may be blank. If it is, don't show it.

                       For more info on line item properties, visit:
                         - http://docs.shopify.com/support/your-store/products/how-do-I-collect-additional-information-on-the-product-page-Like-for-a-monogram-engraving-or-customization
                     {%- endcomment -%}

                     {%- assign properties = 'template ' | split: ' ' -%}
                     {%- if property_size > 0 -%}
                       {%- assign properties = item.properties -%}
                     {%- endif -%}

                     {%- for p in properties -%}
                       {% assign property_first_char = p.first | slice: 0 %}
                       <li class="product-details__item product-details__item--property
                         {%if property_size == 0 or p.last == blank or property_first_char == '_' %} hide{% endif %}" data-cart-item-property>
                         <span class="product-details__item-label" data-cart-item-property-name>{{ p.first }}: </span>

                         {%- comment -%}
                           Check if there was an uploaded file associated
                         {%- endcomment -%}
                         <span data-cart-item-property-value>
                           {%- if p.last contains '/uploads/' -%}
                             <a href="{{ p.last }}" data-role="product-upload">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
                           {%- else -%}
                             {{ p.last }}
                           {%- endif -%}
                     {%- endfor -%}

                   <p class="cart__remove">
                     <a href="/cart/change?line={{ forloop.index }}&amp;quantity=0" class="text-link text-link--accent" aria-label="{{ 'cart.label.remove' | t: product: item.title }}" data-cart-remove data-role="product-remove">{{ 'cart.general.remove' | t }}</a>
             <td class="cart__price text-right">

               {%- assign hasDiscount = false -%}
               {%- if item.original_price != item.final_price -%}
                 {%- assign hasDiscount = true -%}
               {%- endif -%}

               <div data-cart-item-price>
                 <dl data-cart-item-price-list>
                   {%- comment -%}
                     Markup template for discount item
                   {%- endcomment -%}
                   <div {% unless hasDiscount %}class="hide" {% endunless %}data-cart-item-discounted-price-group>
                       <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.regular_price' | t }}</span>
                       <s data-cart-item-original-price>{{ item.original_price | money }}</s>
                       <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.sale_price' | t }}</span>
                       <span class="order-discount" data-cart-item-final-price>{{ item.final_price | money }}</span>

                   {%- comment -%}
                     Markup template for regular price item
                   {%- endcomment -%}
                   <div {% if hasDiscount %}class="hide" {% endif %}data-cart-item-regular-price-group>
                       <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.regular_price' | t }}</span>
                     <dd data-cart-item-regular-price>
                       {{ item.original_price | money }}

                   {%- comment -%}
                     Markup template for unit price
                   {%- endcomment -%}
                   <div {% unless item.unit_price_measurement %}class="hide" {% endunless %}data-unit-price-group>
                       <span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">{{ 'products.product.unit_price_label' | t }}</span>
                       <span class="price-unit-price">
                         {%- capture unit_price_separator -%}
                           <span aria-hidden="true">/</span><span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.accessibility.unit_price_separator' | t }}&nbsp;</span>
                         {%- endcapture -%}
                         {%- capture unit_price_base_unit -%}
                           {%- if item.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%}
                             {{- item.unit_price_measurement.reference_value -}}
                           {%- endif -%}
                           {{ item.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}
                         {%- endcapture -%}

                         <span data-unit-price>{{ item.unit_price | money }}</span>{{- unit_price_separator -}}<span data-unit-price-base-unit>{{- unit_price_base_unit -}}</span>

               {%- assign itemDiscounts = 'template ' | split: ' ' -%}
               {%- if item.line_level_discount_allocations != blank -%}
                 {%- assign itemDiscounts = item.line_level_discount_allocations -%}
               {%- endif -%}

               <ul class="order-discount order-discount--list order-discount--title order-discount--cart{% if item.line_level_discount_allocations == blank %} hide{% endif %}" aria-label="{{ 'customer.order.discount' | t }}" data-cart-item-discount-list>
                 {%- for discount_allocation in itemDiscounts -%}
                   <li class="order-discount__item" data-cart-item-discount>
                     {% include 'icon-saletag' %}
                     <span data-cart-item-discount-title>
                       {{- discount_allocation.discount_application.title -}}
                     </span> (-<span data-cart-item-discount-amount>{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }}</span>)
                 {%- endfor -%}

               <div class="cart__qty medium-up--hide">
                 <label for="updates_{{ item.key }}" class="cart__qty-label" aria-label="{{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }}" data-quantity-label-mobile>
                   {{ 'cart.label.qty' | t }}
                 <input id="updates_{{ item.key }}" class="cart__qty-input" type="number"
                   value="{{ item.quantity }}" min="0" pattern="[0-9]*"
                   data-quantity-input data-quantity-item="{{ forloop.index }}" data-quantity-input-mobile data-role="product-quantity-mobile">
               <div class="cart__qty-error-message-wrapper cart__qty-error-message-wrapper--mobile hide" role="alert" data-cart-quantity-error-message-wrapper>
                 <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.accessibility.error' | t }} </span>
                 {% include 'icon-error' %}
                 <span class="cart__qty-error-message" data-cart-quantity-error-message></span>
             <td class="cart__quantity-td text-right small--hide">
               <div class="cart__qty">
                 <label for="updates_large_{{ item.key }}" class="cart__qty-label" data-quantity-label-desktop>{{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }}</label>
                 <input id="updates_large_{{ item.key }}" class="cart__qty-input" type="number"
                   name="updates[]" value="{{ item.quantity }}" min="0" pattern="[0-9]*"
                   data-quantity-input data-quantity-item="{{ forloop.index }}" data-quantity-input-desktop data-role="product-quantity-desktop">
               <div class="cart__qty-error-message-wrapper cart__qty-error-message-wrapper--desktop hide" role="alert" data-cart-quantity-error-message-wrapper>
                 <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.accessibility.error' | t }} </span>
                 {% include 'icon-error' %}
                 <span class="cart__qty-error-message" data-cart-quantity-error-message></span>
             <td class="cart__final-price text-right small--hide" data-cart-item-line-price>
               {%- comment -%}
                 Markup template for discount item
               {%- endcomment -%}
               <dl {% unless item.original_line_price != item.final_line_price %}class="hide" {% endunless %}data-cart-item-discounted-price-group>
                   <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'cart.label.regular_total' | t }}</span>
                   <s data-cart-item-original-price>{{ item.original_line_price | money }}</s>
                   <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'cart.label.discounted_total' | t }}</span>
                   <span class="order-discount" data-cart-item-final-price>{{ item.final_line_price | money }}</span>
               </dl >

               {%- comment -%}
                 Markup template for regular price item
               {%- endcomment -%}
               <div {% if item.original_line_price != item.final_line_price %}class="hide" {% endif %}data-cart-item-regular-price-group>
                 <span data-cart-item-regular-price>{{ item.original_line_price | money }}</span>
         {%- endfor -%}

     <div class="cart__footer">
       <div class="grid">
         {%- if section.settings.cart_notes_enable -%}
           <div class="grid__item medium-up--one-half cart-note">
             <label for="CartSpecialInstructions" class="cart-note__label small--text-center">{{ 'cart.general.note' | t }}</label>
             <textarea name="note" id="CartSpecialInstructions" class="cart-note__input" data-cart-notes>{{ cart.note }}</textarea>
         {%- endif -%}
         <div class="grid__item text-right small--text-center{% if section.settings.cart_notes_enable %} medium-up--one-half{% endif %}">

           {%- assign cartDiscounts = 'template ' | split: ' ' -%}
           {%- if cart.cart_level_discount_applications.size > 0 -%}
             {%- assign cartDiscounts = cart.cart_level_discount_applications -%}
           {%- endif -%}
           <div{% if cart.cart_level_discount_applications.size == 0 %} class="hide"{% endif %} data-cart-discount-wrapper>
             <div class="order-discount-card-wrapper" data-cart-discount>
               {%- for discount_application in cartDiscounts -%}
                 <span class="order-discount order-discount--title order-discount--cart">
                   {% include 'icon-saletag' %}<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'customer.order.discount' | t }}:</span><span data-cart-discount-title>{{- discount_application.title -}}</span>
                 <span class="order-discount order-discount--cart order-discount--cart-total">
                   -<span data-cart-discount-amount>{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}</span>
               {%- endfor -%}

           <div class="cart-subtotal">
             <span class="cart-subtotal__title">{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }}</span>
             <span class="cart-subtotal__price" data-cart-subtotal>{{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}</span>

           {%- capture taxes_shipping_checkout -%}
             {%- if cart.taxes_included and shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%}
               {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_and_shipping_policy_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }}
             {%- elsif cart.taxes_included -%}
               {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_but_shipping_at_checkout' | t }}
             {%- elsif shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%}
               {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_policy_at_checkout_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }}
             {%- else -%}
               {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_at_checkout' | t }}
             {%- endif -%}
           {%- endcapture -%}
           <div class="cart__shipping rte">{{ taxes_shipping_checkout }}</div>
           <div class="cart_select_date_time">
             {%- if section.settings.cart_date_enable -%}
             <div class="cart_select_date">{% render 'delivery-date' %}</div>
             {%- endif -%}
             {%- if section.settings.cart_time_enable -%}
             <div class="cart_select_time">
             <label for="deliverly-time">【 お届けご希望時間帯】</label>
             <select id="deliverly-time" name="attributes[時間帯]">
                 {% for block in section.blocks %}
                   <option value="{{ block.settings.time }}">{{ block.settings.time }}</option>
                 {% endfor %}
             {%- endif -%}

           <div class="cart__buttons-container">
             <div class="cart__submit-controls">
               {%- unless section.settings.cart_ajax_enable -%}
               <input type="submit" name="update"
                 class="cart__submit btn btn--secondary"
                 value="{{ 'cart.general.update' | t }}">
               {%- endunless -%}
               <input type="submit" name="checkout"
                 class="cart__submit btn btn--small-wide"
                 value="{{ 'cart.general.checkout' | t }}">

             <div class="cart__error-message-wrapper hide" role="alert" data-cart-error-message-wrapper>
               <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.accessibility.error' | t }} </span>
               {% include 'icon-error' %}
               <span class="cart__error-message" data-cart-error-message></span>

             {%- if additional_checkout_buttons -%}
               <div class="additional-checkout-buttons">{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}</div>
             {%- endif -%}

   <p class="visually-hidden" data-cart-status

 <div class="empty-page-content{% if cart.item_count > 0 %} hide{% endif %} text-center" data-empty-page-content>
   <h1>{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h1>
   <p class="cart--empty-message">{{ 'cart.general.empty' | t }}</p>
   <div class="cookie-message">
     <p>{{ 'cart.general.cookies_required' | t }}</p>
   <a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="btn btn--has-icon-after cart__continue-btn">{{ 'general.404.link' | t }}{% include 'icon-arrow-right' %}</a>

{% schema %}
 "name": {
   "cs": "Stránka košíku",
   "da": "Side med indkøbskurv",
   "de": "Warenkorb-Seite",
   "en": "Cart page",
   "es": "Página del carrito",
   "fi": "Ostoskorisivu",
   "fr": "Page du panier",
   "it": "Pagina del carrello",
   "ja": "カートページ",
   "ko": "카트 페이지",
   "nb": "Handlekurvside",
   "nl": "Winkelwagenpagina",
   "pl": "Strona koszyka",
   "pt-BR": "Página do carrinho",
   "pt-PT": "Página do carrinho",
   "sv": "Varukorgssida",
   "th": "หน้าตะกร้าสินค้า",
   "tr": "Sepet sayfası",
   "vi": "Trang giỏ hàng",
   "zh-CN": "购物车页面",
   "zh-TW": "購物車頁面"
 "max_blocks": 20,
 "settings": [
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_ajax_enable",
     "label": {
       "cs": "Povolit automatické aktualizace košíku",
       "da": "Aktivér automatisk opdatering af indkøbskurv",
       "de": "Automatische Warenkorbaktualisierungen aktivieren",
       "en": "Enable automatic cart updates",
       "es": "Habilitar las actualizaciones automáticas del carrito",
       "fi": "Ota automaattinen ostoskorin päivitykset käyttöön",
       "fr": "Activer les mises à jour automatiques",
       "it": "Abilita aggiornamenti automatici carrello",
       "ja": "自動カートの更新を有効にする",
       "ko": "자동 카트 업데이트 활성화하기",
       "nb": "Aktiver automatiske oppdateringer av handlekurven",
       "nl": "Automatische winkelwagen-updates inschakelen",
       "pl": "Włącz automatyczne aktualizacje koszyka",
       "pt-BR": "Permitir atualizações automáticas do carrinho",
       "pt-PT": "Ativar atualizações automáticas do carrinho",
       "sv": "Aktivera automatiska uppdateringar av varukorgen",
       "th": "เปิดใช้การอัปเดตตะกร้าสินค้าอัตโนมัติ",
       "tr": "Otomatik sepet güncellemelerini etkinleştir",
       "vi": "Bật cập nhật giỏ hàng tự động",
       "zh-CN": "启用购物车自动更新功能",
       "zh-TW": "啟用自動更新購物車"
     "info": {
       "cs": "Aktualizuje košík hned, jak zákazník provede změny.",
       "da": "Opdaterer indkøbskurven, så snart kunden foretager ændringer",
       "de": "Aktualisiert den Warenkorb, sobald Kundenänderungen vorgenommen werden",
       "en": "Updates the cart as soon as customer changes are made",
       "es": "Actualiza el carrito tan pronto como el cliente realice cambios",
       "fi": "Päivittää ostoskorin heti, kun asiakkaan muutokset on tehty",
       "fr": "Mise à jour du panier dès que les modifications apportées aux clients ont été effectuées",
       "it": "Aggiorna il carrello appena il cliente apporta le modifiche",
       "ja": "お客様が変更されるとすぐにカートを更新します",
       "ko": "고객 변경 시 카트를 업데이트합니다.",
       "nb": "Oppdaterer handlekurven så snart kundens endringer er gjort",
       "nl": "De winkelwagen wordt bijgewerkt zodra de klant wijzigingen aanbrengt",
       "pl": "Aktualizuje koszyk, gdy tylko wprowadzone zostaną zmiany u klienta",
       "pt-BR": "Atualiza o carrinho assim que o cliente faz alterações",
       "pt-PT": "Atualiza o carrinho assim que o cliente faz alterações",
       "sv": "Uppdaterar varukorgen så snart kundändringar görs",
       "th": "อัปเดตตะกร้าสินค้าเมื่อลูกค้าได้ทำการเปลี่ยนแปลง",
       "tr": "Müşteri değişiklikleri yapıldıktan sonra sepet güncellenir",
       "vi": "Cập nhật giỏ hàng ngay khi khách hàng thay đổi",
       "zh-CN": "客户做出更改后立即更新购物车",
       "zh-TW": "在顧客進行變更時立即更新購物車"
     "default": true
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_notes_enable",
     "label": {
       "cs": "Povolit poznámky ke košíku",
       "da": "Aktivér bemærkninger til indkøbskurv",
       "de": "Warenkorbanmerkungen erlauben",
       "en": "Enable cart notes",
       "es": "Habilitar notas del carrito",
       "fi": "Ota tilauskommentit käyttöön",
       "fr": "Activer les notes de panier",
       "it": "Abilita note carrello",
       "ja": "カートメモを有効にする",
       "ko": "카트 참고 사항 사용",
       "nb": "Aktiver handlekurvmerknader",
       "nl": "Opmerkingen voor winkelwagen inschakelen",
       "pl": "Włącz uwagi dotyczące koszyka",
       "pt-BR": "Habilitar observações do carrinho",
       "pt-PT": "Ativar notas do carrinho",
       "sv": "Aktivera varukorgsmeddelanden",
       "th": "เปิดใช้หมายเหตุสำหรับตะกร้าสินค้า",
       "tr": "Sepet notlarını etkinleştir",
       "vi": "Bật ghi chú trong giỏ hàng",
       "zh-CN": "启用购物车备注",
       "zh-TW": "啟用購物車備註"
     "default": false
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_date_enable",
     "label": {
       "en": "Enable Date Picker",
       "ja": "配達日指定を有効にする"
     "default": true
     "type": "checkbox",
     "id": "cart_time_enable",
     "label": {
       "en": "Enable Time Picker",
       "ja": "時間帯指定を有効にする"
     "default": true
 "blocks": [
       "type": "select",
       "name": "時間帯",
       "settings": [
         "id": "time",
         "type": "text",
         "label": "時間帯",
         "default": "指定なし"
{% endschema %}




あとで、cart.liquid内の{% section 'cart-template' %}{% section 'cart-template2' %}にして上手くいけばそのまま使用すれば良いし、レイアウト崩れてしまったら、元の{% section 'cart-template' %}に戻せばOKです。







