
Why Google is a "Out-of-date" Product? - A way to replace Google -

Google - one of the most successful product in the world - is thought to be the masterpiece of this Internet era.

Founded in 1998, Google have been changing the whole world with the mission below.

" To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

The big mission launched 20 years ago have become the biggest wave throughout human history.

Some estimates show that Google is the biggest site of the worlddaily page views on Google is about 73 billion page views  / daily revenue of Google advertisement is about 369.34 million dollar in 2019 / about 90% of Search Engine Market are dominated by Google  and therefore more than 90% of whole 4.131 billion Internet users of 3 billion people are using single search engine.


It is a miracle of the 21st century to develop such a big product or in other words "monopoly industry".

Not only numbers or statistics but also behaviors of people or daily activities, daily life have been affected by Google. It is almost impossible to go back to the world without Google.

Before Google, it is necessary to go to the library to search information about companies or histories / necessary to go to stock exchange or read newspapers to get stock informations / necessary to watch TV shows or advertisements to know new products.

In 2020, Who wants to take such a waste effort to get information / sell products or so on. Who wants to live in "The World without Google". You know. It's no body right?

Google have kept this dominance for 20 years with the company's mission " To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". Cool !

No entity can escape from History.

But ! No SUN does not go down.

Spanish Great and Most Fortunate Navy was defeated by England naval force. IBM is defeated by small companies like Apple or MicroSoft or Vmware at their leading technology research areas.

Any " LEADING COMPANY " could become OUT-DATED.

In my opinion, Google is not the exception of human history or technology history ( see The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen ), because Google Search Engine whose revenue consists of 70% of Alphabet's revenue is already an OUT-DATED product with "LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY" & "OLD MISSION" & "OLD TECHNOLOGY" like blackbox oracle & "OLD BUSINESS MODEL" . I'll explain why Google is a "No.1 CRAP PRODUCT in 2020" in next chapter.

4 reasons that Google Search Engine is OUT-DATED product

Looking carefully into the values Google are providing, you can find out some fatal weaknesses (or lack of management effort) of Google. Don't be surprised by the fact that more than 130 billion dollar of Google Search Engine revenue and 34.34 billion dollar of Alphabet revenue is supported every year by this old and OUT-DATED system and a fraud like ground.

1 : Concern about data usage of Google

     As Snowden reveals the existence of surveillance system "PRISM" at 2013 and other suspicion about Apple / Google / Microsoft / Facebook to participate in data surveillance program, many countries are worry about data abuses by US Tech companies, especially a product that can influence politics or a product that can gather search histories of government and big companies.

     In this " Data is new Oil " era, it is not only horrible risks, but also opportunity losses for any big companies or governments to give up their data self-sufficient instead of keeping their own data in their own hands to analyze these data to get statistics or insights about manufacture / sales / management / politics or so on...

     "Search History Data" that can influence widespread areas should not be managed by only one entity considering its importance. It should be managed by each governments or at least companies that are willing to give information about "Search Data" to government immediately without lies.

     Therefore Google should fulfill their responsibilities to give their data to  each government and company, or should accept risk of being replaced by other "Responsible" Search Engine.

2 : 20 years of stable Google's mission

     I have mentioned above the Google's mission 

" To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

     Yeah. It looks cool, right ? Half of people willing to found startups would see this mission and say "wow. I will develop Google in ??? industry in the future !", I guess.

     But wait. Do you know how hard this mission would be in 2020 or even 2010 ? 

     In Japan, there is a search engine named "goo"  that is developed at 1997 by NTT (One of the biggest telecommunication company in Japan) . This small search engine that is only used by 1% of Japanese( I guess? ) have been gathering web information for long time ( sorry for using Japanese page ) despite of the dominance of Google, and its search result seems like different from one of google's.  Not only Japanese big company but also France have been developing own Search Engine name Qwant ( with npm API Yeah! ) from 2013 , or Microsoft have been developing Search Engine name Bing from 2009. 

     These search engines leave me wondering what is technological moat of Google. How hard it is for countries or big companies to develop a replica of Search Engine "Google" now or 10 years ago ? 

     You may say " Google is keep developing Panda Update or Penguin Update to provide best results for users". OK OK I know that little bit. But, who cares about that shit except for SEO experts. The only thing I want is the " Top 3 result " not " Google oracle ". And in this viewpoint, what are differences between google and goo and Qwant and Bing?

     In my opinion, differences between Google and Bing or other Search Engine are just a brand or "network-effect" (For Search Engine not SNS?) or "Google oracle", not TECHNOLOGY. 

Therefore Google's mission 

" To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

is totally OUT-DATED and should change some motto related to marketing not technology, cause its mission level is too low and out of date.

3 : 20 years of stable Google's core technology (inverted index & page rank)

     Do you know how Google works? If you are interesting in this topic you can just Google "Inverted Index" or "Page Rank" (maybe google scholar is better).

     Simply saying, "Inverted Index" is a technology to create word dictionary that can search which pages to be shown for each word(or query), "Page Rank" is a technology which page value the most and create ranking.

     But these product concept is a best compromise for 1998 world, and maybe Google is still using this method in their Search Engine Product that basically ( without ad-on development ) can not understand contextual information. In 2020, we can use other technology named "Word2Vec" which can understand deep contextual information using neural network technology (or AI ) to create "Graph based Search Engine" that cannot be developed or low-quality 20 years ago. Microsoft also research this kind of Search Engine using PatentDate. 

     This technology may not best solution to process whole web sites in the world, but if you want to create Search Engine that can have deep insight about articles about specific topics ( type of information → like news information / patent information / company information / government information ... | quality of information → "understand consultant's framework" ).

     However, it is weird that government person and 10 years old kids are using the same Search Engine ( and don't know how to decide result ). In some professional spaces there should be some needs to create user-specialized Search Engine.

     Therefore, Google Search Engine could lose their share to the Search Engine which uses "Word2Vec" and "Graph based Search Engine" ( not "Inverted Index" or "Page Rank" ) to divide Search Engine market into "General Purpose Search Engine" (Google) and "Specific Search Engine" ( to support best work of government or consultants etc... ).

4 : 20 years of stable Google's business model (advertisement)

     Many people says Advertisement is a reason that Google is success , and indeed it's true. Google understand what user needs, and suggests what user would want. But Google can recommend what you don't want to buy. So, Google is always gathering your information through Google Search Engine / Gmail / Google Drive / GoogleMap / Google Analytics / Chrome / Youtube to understand you .

Google understand you more than you do.

     Google make money by monopolize whole web data of each user, and we do not understand how these data are used in the background.

     Google can understand employee working in your company & your team & your company more than your executive does, if they willing to do so. Using Google is almost equal to "giving and selling confidential company to Google & US", in my thought. It is safer to protect data which companies have by their own countries own hands.

     This kind of recommendation Advertisement business model is disgusting.

     Originally keeping and analyzing these data is the Right of each person and each company. Data monopolization is an insane circumstance. If company can use these data, they can understand needs each person have / performance of each team / directions each team proceed / direction company should proceed and so on... In other word, managers can understand team performance , engineers and product managers can understand technology trend inside company, governors & executives ( and maybe government ) can make better decision using collective intelligence ( privacy data should be masked ).

     This kind of performance improvement should not be limited to " Inside Company" improvement, but also " Outside Company" network improvement. Google can recommend ads through your search results and search query, why Inside Company Search Engine could not recommend business partner or business project using your search results and search query? This kind of business matching which is toward B2B business, is a synonym of advertisement which is toward B2C business. And, Google have not provided such an B2B value creation ( or maybe I am lack of knowledge? ). I can understand why Google is still only providing B2C value creation and do not promote community's prosperity by B2B value & network creation, and I though this is a big lack of management effort.

     To wrap up, firstly Google Data business is disgusting. Secondly if Google group search history data each company have, they can create both " Inside Company" value creation and " Outside Company" network creation, and I can not understand why Google have not developed this kind of "Good for Customer / Company / Government" product. I just hope Google to develop such an SaaS like Search Engine product or some Japanese SaaS Startup like Sansan or Kaonabi to develop such a function above not Google Search Engine like goo or Qwant or Bing.

A way to replace Google

As you see above, Google have not only one fetal weak point but four fetal weak points.

The reason why Google have been growing safely in this 5 years without red ocean competition could be " US  Policy" or " Google Marketing" or " Human nature not to doubt myth" I guess , but the purpose of this article is to explain how to replace Google not to interpret history, so I don't dig into politics topic or so on...


There are two directions to develop better than Google "Search Engine Product" in my opinion. The first way is to develop "Specific Search Engine" and the second way is to develop "OpenSearch-Data Search Engine". And both of these are SaaS and B2B product not B2C product.

A : Specific Search Engine

     Mentioned above at " 20 years of stable Google's core technology ", using "Word2Vec" and "Graph based Search Engine" developers can develop area specific and contextual Search Engine.

     For example, developers can coordinate with consultants to develop Search Engine which learns management or governmental knowledges and frameworks and so on ... provided by consultants, I guess? (I have to learn more about this topic though...). If can be developed there are few advantages over Google.

          1 : Search Engine can associate related knowledges not by words, but by frameworks or knowledges learned. It should be more accurate than normal Google Search Engine.

          2 : Government and Companies can protect their search history data outflow to Google ( = US ).

          3 : Government and Companies can analyze Search History Data link to each employee, therefore can be used for performance rating or training.

          4 : Performance of Government and Companies would be improved because of better search result compared with Google / goo / Bing / Qwant and time-saving compared with library.

     The target user would be widespread and we don't have to worry about needs and method of monetization. The only concern is about the quality of Search Engine and the development period: how long does it take to develop this kind of Search Engine.

     Therefore Specific Search Engine can mainly replace Google usage of governmental persons and consultants and big company businessmen, and improve working quality of governments and company for many aspects.

B : Open-SearchData Search Engine

     Mentioned above at "20 years of stable Google's business model (advertisement)", Google can give each company their " Inside Company" value creation ( or analysis ) method and " Outside Company" network creation method despite Google's disgusting business model. 

     I like this idea because you don't have to develop enormous effort to develop this B2B Search Engine product compared with Specific Search Engine above. Only thing have to do is to find Big SaaS Company which provide good service to their customers and have them buy SearchEngine like goo or Qwant or Bing to develop Search Analysis function ( " Inside Company" value creation ) and Advertisement-like business matching function ( " Outside Company" network creation ). The technology needed is only FrontEnd / Optimization / SaaS-like Business Logic Function, and it should easier than Specific Search Engine for SaaS company engineers to develop.

     There are some advantages Open-SearchData Search Engine have over Google.

          1 : Government and Companies can have own control over their organization's confidential data, and don't have to worry that Google or US could use their related-SearchEngine-data to manipulate competition.

          2 :  Government and Companies can analyze performance or direction or other information of their own team and own company using related-SearchEngine-data ( " Inside Company" value creation ).

          3 : Companies can match outside business partner ( New Way B2B, promote community's prosperity ) like Advertisement ( Google way B2C ) using related-SearchEngine-data ( " Outside Company" network creation )

          4 : Government can use these data to simplify manual input statics.

     The target user would be mainly Government or Big company or little needs for small and medium‐sized enterprises ( networking ). We don't have to worry about needs and method of monetization. The only concern is THE POLITICAL PROBLEM. One solution is to let China develop such software and make Baidu's stock Crush lol .

     Therefore Open-SearchData Search Engine can steal Google's ability to analyze related-SearchEngine-data and can prosper B2B local network matching ( not B2C Advertisement matching ). These two function can improve company's competitiveness and cooperation effect. 


     Google 1998 made the best product in the world have fore fetal weaknesses - 1 : Lack of data responsibility 2 : Old mission 3 : Old Technology 4 : Old Business model -. And This crap can be replaced by two ways - A : Specific Search Engine using new technology B : Open-SearchData Search Engine using google's privilege to analyze search query data.
