Taddy de ナイト(night) in Dubai~School is over!?~

Hello! This is Taddy de night☆*

I heard a sudden and bad news. The school was over today because of corona virus...

Last week, the government said public school had to be closed for 4 weeks from today and that private schools didn't have to do. However, last weekend(Friday night), it said all schools had to be closed. Following the government, school will be closed from tomorrow... 

I was very shocked, but it cannot be helped... In stead of this, the school will have online lessons from next week. So I will take the rest of lessons after I go back to Japan! In addition, I can take more one week lessons if I come to Dubai(after corona calms down). I am a little lucky! 

This time, let me share my school days with my new friends following yesterday! (I'm very sorry for updating some photos without my friends' permissions)

The first photo was taken while taking a break(last week). This shows our school is very international. Thank you for their kindness, we got used to the class in spite of my low English skill haha.


I miss you so much, but I believe I can see you in the future!


This photo was taken in Starbucks after school. This shows Turk and Japanese were practicing speaking English. We are good friends and I will see them tomorrow. They say Turk as well as Japanese are not good at speaking English . I thought not only Japanese but also people from other countries are not good at speaking. Conversely, my English skill can be updated if I practice more and more!



The beach with the sunset is very beautiful. 

My teacher told us some apps to practice English free online. I will use them and be committed to improving my English skill.

Fortunately, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I will have a plan to do. So I don't go back to Japan right now. I wanna enjoy Dubai more and more.

Thank you for reading. This was Taddy de night☆*
