


     ①Recently, while I was working on my computer during a train ride from Boston to New York, we passed through a magnificent snowy landscape.  ②I wouldn't have known this but for the fact that I happened to look outside on my way to get a coffee.  ③Then I noticed that every other adult on the train was staring at a computer.  ④We deny ourselves the benefits of solitude because we see the time it requires as a resource to use more profitably.  ⑤These days, instead of using time alone to think (or not think), we hurry to fill it with some digital connection.

問.②と④を和訳せよ。ただし,②の this が何を意味するのかを明らかにすること。

(1) ②は仮定法に注意。
(2) ②の "get a coffee" はどのように訳すのが適切か。英文の内容から情景を浮かべるとヒントに。
(3) ④の "deny" はどのように訳すか。文型をヒントに。
(4) ④の "solitude" はどのように訳すか。本文中の「抽象ー具体」の関係性をヒントに。 


